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More UKIP idiocy..

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I could copy and paste from various sources but it would be pointless, if you think all government money is spent wisely I doubt it would be possible to change your mind.


I didn't suggest all government money is spent wisely.


You claimed the shortage of training places for British students was due to a lack of money because it was being spent on the "wrong things". To know whether that's the case we need to know what the 'wrong things' are, how much is being spent on them and how much it would cost to have an NHS staffed solely with British doctors and nurses to see if your sums add up.

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I didn't suggest all government money is spent wisely.


You claimed the shortage of training places for British students was due to a lack of money because it was being spent on the "wrong things". To know whether that's the case we need to know what the 'wrong things' are, how much is being spent on them and how much it would cost to have an NHS staffed solely with British doctors and nurses to see if your sums add up.


Thats the claim you made, I think there's plenty of money in government, its just spent on the wrong things and wasted.

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Thats the claim you made, I think there's plenty of money in government, its just spent on the wrong things and wasted.


Umm, read the quote again?


I didn't suggest all government money is spent wisely.


You claimed the shortage of training places for British students was due to a lack of money because it was being spent on the "wrong things". To know whether that's the case we need to know what the 'wrong things' are, how much is being spent on them and how much it would cost to have an NHS staffed solely with British doctors and nurses to see if your sums add up.

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Thats the claim you made, I think there's plenty of money in government, its just spent on the wrong things and wasted.


..and I asked you to quantify what those 'wrong things' were, pointless making such a statement if we dont know how much money we have to play with.

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Good point!


---------- Post added 22-01-2014 at 12:01 ----------



Sensational stuff as usual retep. In what way was the money 'wasted'? Presumably the NHS didn't have a bank supply of doctors they could call on so resort to recruitment consultants to plug the gap..and they need paying.


£137 million was spent employing doctors to work, not holiday on some tropical isle.


NHS 'wasted £40m' on locum doctors



Just a scam? or waste that could be spent on doctor training.



"A new report from the National Audit Office shows that the NHS has spent an eye-watering £435 million in redundancy payments as a result of the Health and Social Care Act which came into force April of this year. As part of the new reforms, 10,000 full-time employees have left their jobs at an average cost of over £43,000 each.


Hundreds of those workers whose positions were made redundant received severance packages of over £200,000, with one high-ranking manager receiving a package of nearly £580,000.


However, more than one in five of those that have been laid off walked back in to new positions within the NHS – some after a mere four weeks – meaning some could walk through a lucrative revolving door.



Another scam?

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..and I asked you to quantify what those 'wrong things' were, pointless making such a statement if we dont know how much money we have to play with.


You don't have anything to play with because the government will continue wasting money and spending in the wrong things. We wouldn't have a deficit if the government spent money wisely, and it wouldn't need a reduction in services. They just simply over pay for everything and spend money on unnecessary stuff.

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You don't have anything to play with because the government will continue wasting money and spending in the wrong things. We wouldn't have a deficit if the government spent money wisely, and it wouldn't need a reduction in services. They just simply over pay for everything and spend money on unnecessary stuff.


Again this is the fanciful rhetoric of minority parties like UKIP-put an elephant in the room and someone will see it but won't have a clue how to clean up after it.


Governments waste money, that's a fact but before promising to address the shortcomings in social/health policy by re-directing that wastage, we need to know how much it is and then work out how much it's going to cost to achieve your objectives for an NHS staffed entirely by British doctors and nurses.


If there's a negative difference between the two then you'll be lying to the electorate before you've even made government.


---------- Post added 22-01-2014 at 14:35 ----------


NHS 'wasted £40m' on locum doctors



Just a scam? or waste that could be spent on doctor training.

How far do you think £40 million would go to building more medical schools, recruiting talented students, finding and recruiting staff to train them and paying for their education?


"A new report from the National Audit Office shows that the NHS has spent an eye-watering £435 million in redundancy payments as a result of the Health and Social Care Act which came into force April of this year. As part of the new reforms, 10,000 full-time employees have left their jobs at an average cost of over £43,000 each.


Hundreds of those workers whose positions were made redundant received severance packages of over £200,000, with one high-ranking manager receiving a package of nearly £580,000.


However, more than one in five of those that have been laid off walked back in to new positions within the NHS – some after a mere four weeks – meaning some could walk through a lucrative revolving door.



Another scam?


Do you know the reasons for this 'scam'? Were those who received redundancy payments all foreigners?

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You don't have anything to play with because the government will continue wasting money and spending in the wrong things. We wouldn't have a deficit if the government spent money wisely, and it wouldn't need a reduction in services. They just simply over pay for everything and spend money on unnecessary stuff.


A country is like any business it needs to earn more than it spends.Labour walked away failing to understand that simple rule.Not only did it not understand it or care it left the crap for others to deal with and the rest of us to pay for for many years to come.It even gave away many rights we had to abstain from things we couldnt afford.

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