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More UKIP idiocy..

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yet another thread taken over by Boyfriday :( A real one man brainwashing machine :)


More like he's the only one still bothering. Like all political threads it doesn't matter what evidence you post, you're never going to change someone's political beliefs on a forum - especially this one!

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More like he's the only one still bothering.


After a while you have to give up through fear of your sides splitting :hihi:


There's only so long you can go without bursting into laughter at the shear narrow mindedness and contradictory statements all these old working class men keep coming out with in order to justify their needs for things to go back to how it was when they were a lad.


How do we fix the NHS? Kick all the immigrants out!


How do we fix the economy? Kick all the immigrants out!


How do we fix the education system? Kick all the immigrants out!


How do we fix the armed forces? Kick all the immigrants out!


How do we fix the weather? Stop gays from getting married!



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yet another thread taken over by Boyfriday :( A real one man brainwashing machine :)


Based on the number and length of his posts, I suspect he must be employed as a fulltime forum trawler on behalf of either a religious or political group (surely nobody has that much free time on their hands). :hihi:





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Based on the number and length of his posts, I suspect he must be employed as a fulltime forum trawler on behalf of either a religious or political group (surely nobody has that much free time on their hands). :hihi:






Losing the plot now are we with your championing of all things UKIP, Doom?


Interesting that none of you have answers to the very straightforward questions I posed earlier.

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There's only so long you can go without bursting into laughter at the shear narrow mindedness and contradictory statements all these old working class men keep coming out with in order to justify their needs for things to go back to how it was when they were a lad.


It's not just old working class men though, is it? The government make similar comments when it's expedient to do so.


How do we fix the weather? Stop gays from getting married!


Nice curveball there dosxuk :hihi:

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