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More UKIP idiocy..

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Losing the plot now are we with your championing of all things UKIP, Doom?


Interesting that none of you have answers to the very straightforward questions I posed earlier.


Believe it or not I'm actually at work and haven't spent my day reading this thread. :wave:





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Again this is the fanciful rhetoric of minority parties like UKIP-put an elephant in the room and someone will see it but won't have a clue how to clean up after it.


Governments waste money, that's a fact but before promising to address the shortcomings in social/health policy by re-directing that wastage, we need to know how much it is and then work out how much it's going to cost to achieve your objectives for an NHS staffed entirely by British doctors and nurses.


If there's a negative difference between the two then you'll be lying to the electorate before you've even made government.


---------- Post added 22-01-2014 at 14:35 ----------


How far do you think £40 million would go to building more medical schools, recruiting talented students, finding and recruiting staff to train them and paying for their education?




Do you know the reasons for this 'scam'? Were those who received redundancy payments all foreigners?


Whoever they were they could certainly now afford that holiday on a tropical isle you mentioned, courtesy of the taxpayer.

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Whoever they were they could certainly now afford that holiday on a tropical isle you mentioned, courtesy of the taxpayer.


Twas ever thus retep, you take the risk you reap the spoils..surely you're not advocating a turn to communism retep? ;)

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It's not just old working class men though, is it?


No, it's not just them, but the polls suggest a healthy majority of UKIP's support is formed of that group, and many of their "policies" are targeted at that group. It's a shame really, but statistically, the backbone of UKIP's support will all be dead in about 12 years.


The government make similar comments when it's expedient to do so.


Every political party known to man says things they patently haven't thought through or don't believe in, simply to entice people to vote for them. Some parties back their comments up with never ending walls of text, others just point to another party and go "look, they did it wrong, as long as we don't do that, we'll be fine!".


The latter group tend to be the charlatans who haven't got a hope in hell of being able to run anything successfully, let alone a country. Sadly, it's soundbites like that which entice, lets say, the people who wouldn't be able to understand the wall of text, even if they had the inclination to read it, let alone work out if it's porkies or an actual viable plan.

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