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More UKIP idiocy..

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Is that the reason for the three full stops?


You put it you're more adept.



There, doesn't that look better?


Seriously though, people will take you (and whatever you're trying to say) if you can express yourself in good English and use punctuation to at least Primary School standard.


I'm sure you've never moaned about immigrants needing to learn English, but some folks do and it's galling to say the least when they have a very poor grasp of their mother tongue.

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UKIP Weather: A lingering look between 2 men at a gym in York has sparked concerns from residents living near the River Ouse




There's a gym on Skeldergate, right on the Ouse...frequented by UKIP members in cap sleeved t-shirts ;)

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UKIP Weather: A lingering look between 2 men at a gym in York has sparked concerns from residents living near the River Ouse


The Netherlands, Iceland, New Zealand and Hawaii all have same sex marriage. You'd think they'd all be submerged by now along with, er, Mexico, Spain, South Africa and Portugal. Perhaps the hotter countries will just burn in hell.

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