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More UKIP idiocy..

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Except for the fact that the big two aren't in charge at the moment.


Unless you count the Lib-Dems as one of the big two.


The clue was in win OUTRIGHT,the end result is the same the cons wont want to change anything,it suits them and liebour.

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The clue was in win OUTRIGHT,the end result is the same the cons wont want to change anything,it suits them and liebour.


If I wanted clues, I'd be doing the Telegraph crossword.


This is a discussion forum. You state your ideas, others comment on them.


Your statement was wrong. I told you so.


Your move...

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I will not be voting for a party that holds the view that tackling floods will be achieved by attacking same sex partnerships as the route cause.


Getting back to real politics, I will not be voting for any of the others either but that will be for political reasons rather than biblical.

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I will not be voting for a party that holds the view that tackling floods will be achieved by attacking same sex partnerships as the route cause.


Getting back to real politics, I will not be voting for any of the others either but that will be for political reasons rather than biblical.


Then that is a go with the flow mentality. It is of course your decision, but your non entry, along with thousands of others who dont vote, will make a huge impact on the outcome.

You dont like the UKIPs, judging by your gay reference, so surely there must be another party that you can see some good in. Naturally, you dont have to vote, but to vote "none of the above" is either an admission of not minding who wins, or a genuine dislike of all of the parties. Also a Non vote may prop up a party you really despise, aka UKIP?

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Getting back to real politics, I will not be voting for any of the others either but that will be for political reasons rather than biblical.

I consider it a privilege to have the freedom to vote. I would hate to live in a Country that refused me that freedom, as before the early part of the last century.

So although It has become more difficult to tell the three mainstream parties apart, I will definitely be voting for one of them.

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I'd always recommend that people take the trouble to vote, even if they don't particularly like or trust the mainstream parties. There must at least be one of the parties that ticks more boxes for you than the others, whether that be education, defence, immigration, health etc.


People died to give us the freedom to vote, we should always take advantage of that.





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I'd always recommend that people take the trouble to vote, even if they don't particularly like or trust the mainstream parties. There must at least be one of the parties that ticks more boxes for you than the others, whether that be education, defence, immigration, health etc.


People died to give us the freedom to vote, we should always take advantage of that.






What is the point when it won't make any difference to the outcome, PR is the only system that will give some people a reason to vote.

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What is the point when it won't make any difference to the outcome, PR is the only system that will give some people a reason to vote.


The only way the outcome will change is if people take the trouble to vote for what they believe in.


Maybe this time your party of choice will fall well short in your constituency, but as more people take the trouble to vote for them and their numbers grow then maybe others will start to see they are a real alternative and will jump on the bandwagon.


I don't believe there's such a thing as a wasted vote.





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Thats the problem the majority are never heard,the first past the post makes sure only the big 2 win outright,the smaller parties are totally disenfranchised,the only way to have REAL democracy is to have PR,and that's never going to happen while the big 2 are in charge.


The Tories agreed to a referendum on an alternative voting system as part of the coalition deal with the Lib Dems. It happened in 2011 and voters rejected it... not the 'big two'.

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