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More UKIP idiocy..

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So, how many MPs will UKIP return in the next general election?


Predictions anyone?


UKIP could end up the party with the most MEP's but the general election is a different animal. They will probably get one or two seats in Westminster if they can retain 15% of the national vote. They will need 20+% to really break through and directly influence things.


It is too difficult to call right now and the fate of UKIP is really in the hands of Labour and the Tories and whatr they do over the next years or so. If they are able to address concerns about immigration and creeping EU federalisation then they will win back support and there is nothing much UKIP can do about it. Either way though, there is going to be change re the two issues and to that end UKIP will have served a purpose.

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UKIP could end up the party with the most MEP's but the general election is a different animal. They will probably get one or two seats in Westminster if they can retain 15% of the national vote. They will need 20+% to really break through and directly influence things.


It is too difficult to call right now and the fate of UKIP is really in the hands of Labour and the Tories and whatr they do over the next years or so. If they are able to address concerns about immigration and creeping EU federalisation then they will win back support and there is nothing much UKIP can do about it. Either way though, there is going to be change re the two issues and to that end UKIP will have served a purpose.


That sums it up for me.





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Most people in this country hate that we are part of the EU yet none of the so-called "Big Three" parties will recognise that. This is the main reason why UKIP have so much current popularity.


No, most people do not hate that we are in the EU. Hate is a very strong word.

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Turning a blind eye and hoping ukip will go away is not working chum. Ukip are a force on the political stage, and doubters will have to wind their necks in,because its happening.


Fancy a wager? £100 says they won't get more than 3 seats.

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Remember as well that a lot of the current UKIP support is being stoked up by, well, UKIP, with the upcoming European elections. Once we get to the general election and topics other than Europe and immigration are on the agenda, a good proportion of this publicity will dry up. Even now, the only people talking about the MEP elections are UKIP, which will naturally boost their standings in the polls.


It's going to take a massive failure by the other parties to make UKIP's policies about topics other than Europe and immigration seem appealing to the wider populace. Just remaining at the current popularity levels will result in zero MPs come 2015.

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Once we get to the general election and topics other than Europe and immigration are on the agenda, a good proportion of this publicity will dry up.


Today's economic news is about unemployment falling faster than expected. That will help the Tories which will take votes off UKIP. Some deluded souls on here might lie that UKIP are taking votes in Labour areas but they will also be taking votes off the BNP and Tories in Labour areas as well as off Labour. The economy will dominate the election and UKIP bleating about the EU and immigration in a growing economy will sound irrelevant.


At the general election it will be a choice of a Tory or Tory-led government on the one hand or a Labour or Labour-led government on the other. When Labour voters thinking of voting UKIP realise that UKIP's parliamentary strategy is to form a right wing coalition with the Tories that will dent their vote in Labour areas. Labour won't lose any seats after 2010 anyway. They're already down to their core.

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I would just love it if UKIP won the general election. Just to see Nigel Farage crap his pants on live TV. It's almost worth voting for them on that prospect alone.


Wouldn't be as funny as the two Ed's being in charge, that would be hilarious.

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Then that is a go with the flow mentality. It is of course your decision, but your non entry, along with thousands of others who dont vote, will make a huge impact on the outcome.

You dont like the UKIPs, judging by your gay reference, so surely there must be another party that you can see some good in. Naturally, you dont have to vote, but to vote "none of the above" is either an admission of not minding who wins, or a genuine dislike of all of the parties. Also a Non vote may prop up a party you really despise, aka UKIP?


I wouldn't have made a gay reference if some political dinosaur had kept his crazy mouth shut. Sylvester is a moron and "My vote" to get him out will probably have more effect directly than your proposal of playing tactical politics.


I consider it a privilege to have the freedom to vote. I would hate to live in a Country that refused me that freedom, as before the early part of the last century.

So although It has become more difficult to tell the three mainstream parties apart, I will definitely be voting for one of them.


I would equally hate to live in a country that refused me the freedom to not vote.

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