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More UKIP idiocy..

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I don't think anyone will change their vote if their intention all along was to vote UKIP. I feel this is not so for the other three parties though. UKippers, like me, staunchly support Nigel, he who will be king, and no amount of mud slinging by the usual suspects will make one little bit of difference.


We're usually Labour supporters and just about all my family is changing to UKIP next time...

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I don't think anyone will change their vote if their intention all along was to vote UKIP. I feel this is not so for the other three parties though. UKippers, like me, staunchly support Nigel, he who will be king, and no amount of mud slinging by the usual suspects will make one little bit of difference.


We're usually Labour supporters and just about all my family is changing to UKIP next time...


I expect to see an awful lot of mud slinging over the coming months as those opposed to UKIP become more desperate.


Obviously there will be some UKIP members with less than popular or even odd views, but to suggest they're representative of UKIP as a whole is like suggesting all Labour members are guilty of false accounting because of Denis MacShane.





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I expect to see an awful lot of mud slinging over the coming months as those opposed to UKIP become more desperate.

Obviously there will be some UKIP members with less than popular or even odd views, but to suggest they're representative of UKIP as a whole is like suggesting all Labour members are guilty of false accounting because of Denis MacShane.







And desperation is the word, looking at some of the opposition on here.

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Should we assume by desperation you mean "pointing out the gaping holes in their plans"?


All parties have gaping holes in their plans. Labour had one under immigration in all its manifestos from 97 onwards. The Lib Dems are nothing but gaping holes. They still get votes as most people in the real world are generalists and don't sit in their kitchens scrutinising manifestos.

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And to quote from it something that seems lost with the other parties who treat everyone with differing opinions to their own with media slur,sackings or worse


"Ukip is after all a broad church of free thinking people and I welcome that."


Bring back free speech i say!!

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And to quote from it something that seems lost with the other parties who treat everyone with differing opinions to their own with media slur,sackings or worse


How about some other quotes?


I do not agree with Mr Silvester’s remarkable take on weather forecasting. I have even described it as being at the barmier end of opinion.


I [suspended him] because he defied a request to stop broadcasting those views while knowing that Ukip’s name would inevitably be attached to them. In effect he was bringing our party into disrepute and we could not allow that to continue.


So he treated someone else with differing opinions with a media slur, then a sacking. Wonder what's under the "or worse" category for Mr Silvester?


UKIP have a bit of knack for recruiting barmy members, who then say something stupid, only for the party to suspend them and apologise for them being a bit barmy. Hardly a broad church of free thinking people. Think freely, until you get caught!


And finally...

In Ukip we will never be a party that kow-tows to political correctness. But there are limits. And going round insulting large swathes of the electorate and in the process taking attention away from the serious political agenda is one of them.


Sorry, Nige, but I think you'll find that would be political correctness then.


He's gone mad...

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How about some other quotes?






So he treated someone else with differing opinions with a media slur, then a sacking. Wonder what's under the "or worse" category for Mr Silvester?


UKIP have a bit of knack for recruiting barmy members, who then say something stupid, only for the party to suspend them and apologise for them being a bit barmy. Hardly a broad church of free thinking people. Think freely, until you get caught!


And finally...



Sorry, Nige, but I think you'll find that would be political correctness then.


He's gone mad...


Sheer desperation.

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