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More UKIP idiocy..

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All parties have gaping holes in their plans. Labour had one under immigration in all its manifestos from 97 onwards. The Lib Dems are nothing but gaping holes. They still get votes as most people in the real world are generalists and don't sit in their kitchens scrutinising manifestos.


I've never read a party manifesto in my entire life.


I look at a parties general aims and the one which ticks most of the boxes that really matter to me will get my vote.


The traditional mainstream parties seem unwilling to tackle a lot of peoples concerns about Europe and Immigration, so UKIP have come in and filled that void.


The biggest concern I have about UKIP is Farage himself and that's not meant as a negative towards him. If David Cameron, Nick Clegg or Milliband were to disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow, their parties would still function without hardly missing a beat, I'm not sure the same could be said for UKIP and Farage, because he really is the driving force behind the party.





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The traditional mainstream parties seem unwilling to tackle a lot of peoples concerns about Europe and Immigration, so UKIP have come in and filled that void.


A lot of people, meaning a few, have concerns, meaning paranoia, about Europe and Immigration, meaning foreigners.


You also missed out the "and are unwilling to listen to rational arguments or common sense".


UKIP - the party for mad old stubborn fools! (would that work as a new tag line?)


What plans?.....................Farage just scrapped them all.


I'm sure he's still got "leave Europe" and "kick out all the foreigners" on his list of aims. Both of which have such gaping holes that you could park a moon in them.

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Are you complaining about the recent sackings from UKIP of people that exercised their right to freedom of speech?


Nige: "I like people to be able to say what they believe without fear of censorship"


Silvester: "Gay marriage causes floods"


Nige: "Release the hounds"



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Nige: "I like people to be able to say what they believe without fear of censorship"


Silvester: "Gay marriage causes floods"


Nige: "Release the hounds"




Now,Now..........Stop all this negative propaganda against UKIP,it's a conspiracy........you really are scared aren't you.:hihi:

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