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More UKIP idiocy..

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So criminals don't already have guns?


Most of them, in fact, the vast majority of them, no.


And despite Lord Nige's statements, there has never been any proof that increased legal ownership of guns decreases gun crime. On the other hand, there's plenty of proof that increased distribution and availability of guns increases the number of illegally owned weapons.


We have enough trouble with gang members stealing knives out of their kitchens, we don't need them borrowing Dad's self-defence too.

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Farage proves a good point in the Express:


I WAS astonished at the press coverage over the very controversial ex-Ukip town councillor who wrote a letter to the Henley Standard saying he thought the floods were God's response to gay marriage.


This man (David Silvester) was elected as a TORY councillor and his comments were hardly news, having been made repeatedly during his time with them.


Yet the Prime Minister acted as though there was no link when he was mocking the man at PMQs.


He was in the Tory party for longer than he was in Ukip.


No other town councillor from any other political party would be subject to such scrutiny.


Don't believe me?


What about the Tory councillor in Chingford who has appeared at Thames Magistrates' Court and will remain in custody ahead of a trial by jury?


His alleged crime wasn't religious weather forecasting but allegedly threatening someone with an imitation firearm.


You can bet your bottom dollar that if that man was Ukip it would be on the front pages of all the national papers.


I haven't seen it covered by Westminster journalist though let alone the national broadcaster, the BBC.



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Most of them, in fact, the vast majority of them, no.


And despite Lord Nige's statements, there has never been any proof that increased legal ownership of guns decreases gun crime. On the other hand, there's plenty of proof that increased distribution and availability of guns increases the number of illegally owned weapons.


We have enough trouble with gang members stealing knives out of their kitchens, we don't need them borrowing Dad's self-defence too.


You need a clean criminal record to obtain a firearms license, gun must be kept in a gun safe, ammunition kept seperate from the firearm... not so easy to get hold of really.......

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And so these people choose to join the party that champions free speech and abandoning the principles of political correctness. And then promptly get kicked out when they continue to spout nonsense.


Farage wouldn't know a good point if it hit him between the eyeballs.


He spent yesterday telling us in the Express that he believes we shouldn't have political correctness, while also explaining that members who insult a large proportion of voters should be removed, completely without realising the massive contradiction.


And that's before he ended up on TV being unable to explain the UKIP 2010 manifesto - apparently because he wasn't in charge back then - only for it to become clear today that he wrote the foreword and put his name to the entire document. No wonder it quickly disappeared from the UKIP website...


And for people saying that all these things are being brought up by the "old guard" trying to protect the existing parties, please point me to any evidence that the same things are being done to the other minority parties. There's plenty of examples of it happening to the big three, but when's the last time someone from the Green Party managed to insult a massive part of the population by blaming them for the weather (or likewise)?

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Nigel is now in favour of handguns being the accessory of choice among polite society. He wants to overturn the ban put into force after Dunblane. What would happen if these arms fell into the hands of criminals we could guess by having a look at gun crime in the USA.






The government announced plans to outlaw almost all handguns in 1996 after the horrific events in Dunblane, Scotland, when a man shot dead 16 young children and their teacher. He also injured 13 other children and three teachers before shooting himself.


Gun crime increased after the ban.


Gun crime doubles in a decade

Offences involving firearms have increased in all but four police areas in England and Wales since 1998,
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