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More UKIP idiocy..

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Define getting hammered.


UKIP currently have no MPs so they've nothing to lose out of the General Election in 2015.

It would take a massive swing to UKIP for them to even get 1 MP, one might even say it's impossible. They're fighting against the odds, the underdogs, so just 1 MP for UKIP will be seen as a victory.


If they don't get any MPs, it's no change for them, they've not lost anything, hardly the definition of getting hammered. Getting hammered would be losing a significant number seats.


I'd say getting hammered would be no or just a couple of seats, i.e. far fewer than what UKIP would need to form its utopian coalition with the Tories. To say that having no seats doesn't mean getting hammered if they already have no seats is a bit cowardly really. Let's say a football team loses 10-0 every week. The next time they play and lose 10-0 they're still getting hammered. Getting hammered is defined in relation to everyone else not just in relation to your own previous results.

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oooo, I see your avatar has disappeared, I do hope this means that you aren't 'on holiday' from Sheffield Forum as your posts are wonderfully enlightening :rolleyes:


No, not on holiday, just doing my sole a bit of good, and ignoring SF for a bit. I've been polishing my halo to oooo standard.:hihi:

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Are you spending more time with your fish then? Or your shoe?


I do apologise for the shocking spelling of the word sole. I should have used the word soul.

I once applied for a job like yours, that involved spell checking, just like your friend Halibut, but sadly didn't get to the interview stages, as they found out my parent's were indeed married at the time of my conception. xxx

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Im voting ukip next election! all other parties are just the same......


As this thread has proven, UKIP are exactly the same. They require their representatives to be politically correct, don't believe in free speech, are happy to directly contradict their previous statements, make decisions based on political points rather than logic and have a manifesto which is complete drivel.


And if you're talking about the European elections, don't forget UKIP MEP's have the worst attendance record of all British MEP's, yet big Nige has still claimed over £2m of our taxes in expenses.

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It does amuse me how many UKIP supporters who condemn the lack of English skills in immigrants who also have poor ability in the subject themselves.


It's not just ukippers that have problems with English. Many people from all walks of life have problems. Why you should find this amusing, I don't know.

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