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Prime Minister for a Day or Two.

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You are Prime Minister of this country for a day or two. You can enact three new laws during your brief pmship (or whatever the term is). What would they be?


Mine...I would:


1. Remove charitable status from private schools, in fact abolish them completely

2. Make the use of Artex punishable by a long prison sentence

3. Provide statutory free care for the elderly in decent nursing homes if/when they need it

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1. Mass house building programme

2. Citizen Income

3. Complete overhaul of personal and corporate taxation system, including enhanced collection mechanism


And if I had a few more:

4. Force cross-party agreemement on benefits reform and simplification. For all the flaws in execution Duncan-Smith's core concept is absolutely sound

5. Reduce Britain's terms of EU membership to encompass only the minimum required to support free trade with the EU.

6. Investment in renewables as part of a long-term energy security policy, even if it meant pain up front.

7. Serious infrastructure investment. In everything.

8. Redefinition of public services to bring in the best of the private sector in a truly mutually beneficial.


Three isn't enough :)

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Abolish the tv license fee.

Apprenticeships available for all school leavers,and free uni places for students wanting to study sciences,medicine,nursing and engineering.

Stop all overseas aid.


Number one, never. The BBC is a standard setter for the nation's media and a massive exporter of soft power. Or would you prefer the world watched Russia Today and Al Jazeera?


Two and three, not a bad idea, at least giving aid to India, Pakistan and China.

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1) Put the money earmarked for replacing Trident into better intelligence gathering


2) The law of vicarious liability re killing birds of prey be enacted in the rest of the UK not just Scotland and NI


3) The ability for English residents to adopt Scottish nationality if there is a Yes vote in the referendum, providing they can prove their Celtic heritage and they can swear they've never voted Tory.

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1. Mass house building programme

2. Citizen Income

3. Complete overhaul of personal and corporate taxation system, including enhanced collection mechanism


And if I had a few more:

4. Force cross-party agreemement on benefits reform and simplification. For all the flaws in execution Duncan-Smith's core concept is absolutely sound

5. Reduce Britain's terms of EU membership to encompass only the minimum required to support free trade with the EU.

6. Investment in renewables as part of a long-term energy security policy, even if it meant pain up front.

7. Serious infrastructure investment. In everything.

8. Redefinition of public services to bring in the best of the private sector in a truly mutually beneficial.


Three isn't enough :)


I can help you with 4. No benefits except disability, withdrawn over five years.


The rest are all good, in my umble opinion.

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