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Prime Minister for a Day or Two.

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(i) Flat tax rate of 10% to 15% (precise figure subject to seeing the real books) on everything (goes for personal taxation, corpo tax rate, VAT, etc, etc - everything). From the first penny, no ceiling.


(ii) National service of 2 years at age 18, males and females (unisex caserns), choice of khaki or civvy service (based on rap sheet and educational level, with 1st 6 months induction/boot camp mandatory for all), deferrable by up to 5 years (for completing studies). Inductees subjected to martial law/code during entirety of service.


(iii) Extend current legislation applicable to non-EU immigrants to EU migrants, hand-in-hand with reciprocating EU Member States, sod what Brussels has to say about it.

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5. Reduce Britain's terms of EU membership to encompass only the minimum required to support free trade with the EU.


I suspect that something like this is going to actually happen in the end. We can't just carry on being a part of the EU at any cost.

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You are Prime Minister of this country for a day or two. You can enact three new laws during your brief pmship (or whatever the term is). What would they be?


Mine...I would:


1. Remove charitable status from private schools, in fact abolish them completely

2. Make the use of Artex punishable by a long prison sentence

3. Provide statutory free care for the elderly in decent nursing homes if/when they need it


You wouldnt enact anything in a day or two. Debating your "proposed" enactments woud take any length of time but not two days and then it would have to be put to a vote. In two days though you might learn where the ladies room is and the cafeteria without having to ask :D

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You wouldnt enact anything in a day or two. Debating your "proposed" enactments woud take any length of time but not two days and then it would have to be put to a vote. In two days though you might learn where the ladies room is and the cafeteria without having to ask :D


Harleyman, come on play the game, forget the technicalities for once.

Gee, you could cut a conversation stone dead with a remark like that!


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 21:04 ----------


1. I would put an extra tax on all fried chicken, fatty foods and food that contains high amounts of sugar.

2. Take away free bus passes for all children, unless they live a very long distance from school, as it used to be.

3. End Sunday trading.

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To be honest, non of these would ever pass due to the default system mechanisms that ruin our daily lives.


But if given the chance I would:


A) Promote global sustainability movements and enforce a resource based economy, free from politics, poverty and war.


B) Have a work season, which phases in full automation and reducing the need for consumption and monitory needs.


C) Expose the entire national archives relating to UFO's and alien life, there are secrets hidden beyond our human existence.

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You wouldnt enact anything in a day or two. Debating your "proposed" enactments woud take any length of time but not two days and then it would have to be put to a vote. In two days though you might learn where the ladies room is and the cafeteria without having to ask :D


It's OK, Harleyman, I've cleared it with CallMeDave.

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We've got a long way to go before turnout in the UK is below 51%.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 12:00 ----------



If you want disunited governments that will inevitably include UKIP then fine. It's not going to happen in our lifetimes, apathy won the AV vote.


I was actually convinced to vote for AV by Ken Livingstone and Vince Cable at a public meeting in London. Although I wasn't entirely convinced they were against Michael Howard who was supported by sneering hooray Henry's sat around me in the audience.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 12:02 ----------



If you think news channels run by a KGB dictator and a rich royal family are better then I'll leave you to your carers.


The BBC has plenty of Tories in it, Andrew Neil and Nick Robinson being the most obvious.


And if you think the beeb do a better job,then I will leave you to the men in white coats.

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I'm told Artex is no longer legal anyway (not much consolation for us decorators who have to deal with the disgusting stuff, whether aesthetically or mechanically!) So I've revised mine thus:


1. Education: abolish private schools and take back their buildings and resources for use of whole community. Tax state education for high earners so the rich pay more to the state instead, which is spent on reducing class sizes and improving resources for all. Drop the school leaving age to 14 for anyone who hates school and can show they have employment/permanent year's work experience to go to. Give them the right to continue learning and gaining qualifications when they are motivated and ready to do so, even if that's not until they are 50.


2. Energy : renationalise power generation and give each home a baseline energy allowance (supplied at cost) for heating, lighting and electricity, sufficient for normal energy needs of a small A rated family property. Anything more than that (e.g. bigger house, more wasteful useage) is supplied at a profit. Heavy investment in renewables both local and national level.


3. Tobacco banned, full stop. (Like cocaine and killing people).

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