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Children forced to grieve children.

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. I was just commenting on the poor little boy in Edinburgh. Sky news interviewed a young boy but It's not sky news I have a problem with, it's parents forcing children to grieve children they didn't know. Sorry people. I don't comment on here often. Teach me to want to air my views on a public forum.


No, it's fair enough airing your views, all i'm saying is this is the reaction they were after. Free publicity is the best. I refuse to watch their sham broadcasts, therefore i have no knowledge. Given that, i don't care. There's nowt i can do so why give it space in my mind.


You get me ?

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Why do people take very young children to leave stuffed toys/ flowers in a place where another very young child was killed. And why do sky news think it's acceptable to shove a camera in said child's face and ask them questions. Why would any responsible parent want their child to be subjected to grieve a stranger at such a young age. What do they gain from this ?


Humans have a limited lifespan which is sometimes cut earlier still, the sooner children learn that lesson the better.

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Totally agree with you jaypen and I'd been wondering the same thing myself.

I can kind of understand it if those kids being encouraged to leave teddies etc actually knew the dead child but we don't know that they do.

The kids being made to take flowers/teddies just look bewildered.

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Why do people take very young children to leave stuffed toys/ flowers in a place where another very young child was killed.


Perhaps the children have asked to go? Perhaps the parents see no harm in it or indeed see it as a good thing?

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Jaypen's got a point. There is something weird about taking young children to these sites. I can't see young children asking to go, unless other kids in their school are doing it. I think at best it's about the parents expressing their own fears, and at worst, passing those fears onto their children.

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I've never got why anyone goes somewhere to grieve for strangers, let alone children. Just because it was on TV?


This is the thing. We see something on tv, and assume an awful lot because it is a case of "I do not associate myself with those people". That is why we can conclude what we do. It is like, I never understood why many mourned for Princess Diana. But then I realised that, a lot of people identified with her, and hence she was seen as a role model, and also a social currents affair as well.


As for news like these children mourning another. It could be that they are a part of their school and their local communities. Obviously, I won't be able to feel the same sympathy that they do. Hence, I do not truly wish to see or read too indepth, as it is not something that I can truly relate to. Though on a different note, I do understand what it feels like, if this happened closer to home, and closer to those who is part of my social circle or family.


When I see a news article on a stranger, I guess I see it as a sad thing because I see us as equal, but their lives went down in comparison to mine etc etc. It is just human nature on many level.

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Why do people take very young children to leave stuffed toys/ flowers in a place where another very young child was killed. And why do sky news think it's acceptable to shove a camera in said child's face and ask them questions. Why would any responsible parent want their child to be subjected to grieve a stranger at such a young age. What do they gain from this ?


I was more concerned about people taking children on the hunt for the child. Imagine the affect on the child if they had found the dead body. Yes children have to learn about death but do it gently in stages not go from nothing to something most adults would be horrified to see.

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