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Petition to stop pubs closing.

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They changed how the brewing industry worked in the late 80s and early 90s so why can't they change it back?


The answer is because they don't want to. They are trying to build a case against alcohol on health issues, every day you see it in the newspapers. Whilst health is somewhat of an issue, I believe the real reasons are because of associated loss to business with people chucking sickies and the perceived antisocial behaviour, both of which are on subjective stereotypical grounds and the tarring of all drinkers with the same brush


Then it is in the interests of politicians to keep pubs open. It has to be better for folks to pay £4/pint for lager in the pub rather than buying 4 pints for £4 at the supermarket.

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Then it is in the interests of politicians to keep pubs open. It has to be better for folks to pay £4/pint for lager in the pub rather than buying 4 pints for £4 at the supermarket.


They have tried to shut down that avenue too with the invent of the id under 25 thing all designed to make drinkers feel uncomfortable.


Drink is being pushed out to make way for Drugs which the goverment will profit from.Of course its going to take time but its coming.

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I think Mecky has hit on something in terms of the creeping Americanisation of the UK by both parties. We had a 'president ' Blair, got NY baseball cap wearing youth, we eat fries, have televised Prime Minister 'debates', getting a National Crime Agency - base ball caps and shiny jackets with NCA emblazoned on them appearing on a street near you soon, American style sirens and rap music blaring out here there and everywhere, American sounding announcers building up expectation for films and programs, basket ball nets bolted to garage walls, flipping 'tagging' as opposed to decent graffiti, movies instead of films, becoming obsessed with white teeth, hearing more and more fools talking like the candidates on The Apprentice - ' I'm really in the zone, no clouds in my blue sky thinking' - politicians looking and sounding like congressmen, getting fat like the Yanks, then trying to be super health conscious like the yanks, Lycra and sweatbands feeling the burn, rollerblading along Worthing Prom, cheerleaders at football, 'whoop whoop whooping' and short yelpy screams from over excitable audiences accompanied with a rolling clenched fist action in appreciation of the most pathetic remarks or entertainment, homogenized high streets and shopping malls for the Stepford wives.


We've already seen lunchtime drinking at work abolished or frowned upon in many workplaces so it feels like a 70's throwback. Knowing that prohibition is impossible the next best thing is a clampdown. I don't believe in a full scale conspiracy but you can imagine ministers thinking "let's slash the number of pubs by a third or half through market means so going to pubs are no longer a part of everyday life but an occasional event"

Bearing in mind that since 1979 we've had a declining number of working class people in parliament and cabinet. Blair and Cameron are part of the wine bar set and private clubs in Cameron's case. They have no empathy with finishing work and heading down the boozer or a few at lunchtime. They'd consider it 'vulgar'.

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Our governments legistlated to allow pubcos to buy up hundreds of pubs up and down the country. Legislation should have been in place to protect pubs from this.


They didn't legislate to allow that :huh: obviously private purchases of the vast majority of things are perfectly legal.

And how exactly could they legislate to stop large chains buying more pubs? How exactly would you word that without it being extremely anti-competitive and probably illegal under EU law and international obligations.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 10:58 ----------


They have tried to shut down that avenue too with the invent of the id under 25 thing all designed to make drinkers feel uncomfortable.


Drink is being pushed out to make way for Drugs which the goverment will profit from.Of course its going to take time but its coming.


What a bizarre thing to suggest, for both statements.

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They changed how the brewing industry worked in the late 80s and early 90s so why can't they change it back?


The answer is because they don't want to. They are trying to build a case against alcohol on health issues, every day you see it in the newspapers. Whilst health is somewhat of an issue, I believe the real reasons are because of associated loss to business with people chucking sickies and the perceived antisocial behaviour, both of which are on subjective stereotypical grounds and the tarring of all drinkers with the same brush


You really ought to know that the Blair government extended licensing hours in 2005 leading to longer opening hours for pubs as part of the Labour government's love for economic liberalisation.

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You really ought to know that the Blair government extended licensing hours in 2005 leading to longer opening hours for pubs as part of the Labour government's love for economic liberalisation.


And in order to end the spilling out time thuggery. The kind of trouble that led to prohibition in America but would be unthinkable these days.

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They didn't legislate to allow that :huh: obviously private purchases of the vast majority of things are perfectly legal.

And how exactly could they legislate to stop large chains buying more pubs? How exactly would you word that without it being extremely anti-competitive and probably illegal under EU law and international obligations.


---------- Post added 20-01-2014 at 10:58 ----------



What a bizarre thing to suggest, for both statements.


Really? Maybe if you have your head in the sand

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They have tried to shut down that avenue too with the invent of the id under 25 thing all designed to make drinkers feel uncomfortable.


Drink is being pushed out to make way for Drugs which the goverment will profit from.Of course its going to take time but its coming.


Bradway pub closes and becomes a supermarket.

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You really ought to know that the Blair government extended licensing hours in 2005 leading to longer opening hours for pubs as part of the Labour government's love for economic liberalisation.


And Thatcher and later Major introduced all day drinking sometime in the late 80s early 90s, your point being?




Sorry I correct myself. It was 1988 and the Thatcher government http://www.theguardian.com/responsibledrinking/licensing

Edited by Mecky
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