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Petition to stop pubs closing.

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That argument doesn't seem to stand up when you look at the evidence and it's normally put forward by people who disagree with the ban.


I'm a smoker, and the ban hasn't bothered me. In facr, its helped. If pubs were profitable, they wouldn't close, so I agrer that petitions are a waste of time. It would be more productive to use the pub rather than wondering why its closed.

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I bet you're glad your neighbour's wall isn't part of your flood defence. Amenity value is the key.


We haven't been (and still aren't) talking about pub buildings being demolished through. Which was what salsafan implied and what I was saying wasn't the issue.


In other countries, historical buildings are revered and loved. They are also saved as well.


we have listed status for that


I suppose there are some folks stupid enough to think that architectural merit is the only reason a building needs to be preserved.


Nobody actually suggested that, but the historical context would mean that listing would be appropriate.


Pubs closing down has little if anything to do with historical buildings, for which we have listed status, which is what I said.


Perhaps instead of trying to score points you could read what has actually been written.


---------- Post added 21-01-2014 at 09:11 ----------


That is not a factual post, it is your opinion and why do you think your opinion is better than anyone elses?


This is not a factual post, it's simply your opinion, why do you think anyone is interested?

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We haven't been (and still aren't) talking about pub buildings being demolished through. Which was what salsafan implied and what I was saying wasn't the issue.








Nobody actually suggested that, but the historical context would mean that listing would be appropriate.


Pubs closing down has little if anything to do with historical buildings, for which we have listed status, which is what I said.


Perhaps instead of trying to score points you could read what has actually been written.


---------- Post added 21-01-2014 at 09:11 ----------



This is not a factual post, it's simply your opinion, why do you think anyone is interested?


Perhaps you need to read your own post 43. Do you think a person should have the right to close the last shop, pub, or petrol station on the Scilly Isles and place a covenant on the buildings saying they must not be used again as a pub/shop/petrol station?

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Do you think a person should have the right to close the last shop, pub, or petrol station on the Scilly Isles and place a covenant on the buildings saying they must not be used again as a pub/shop/petrol station?


Of course they should.


If there's actually demand for those facilities, other buildings can be converted, or even new ones built. And there is nothing any PubCo can do to stop that.

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Perhaps you need to read your own post 43. Do you think a person should have the right to close the last shop, pub, or petrol station on the Scilly Isles and place a covenant on the buildings saying they must not be used again as a pub/shop/petrol station?


I certainly didn't suggest that they did, so why would you need to ask that?


I have no idea why you posted that "stupid people might think architectural merit is the only reason to preserve a building", unless it was an attempt to score points. If it was though, the failure to notice that I was replying to a post that specifically mentioned historical buildings made it fall rather flat.


To reiterate, we have listed status in order to preserve HISTORICAL buildings, which is not what we are talking about here. Hopefully that's clear.

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The public house business is dead.

Let's just mourn the passing of what was once a British institution,but to be honest. I don't really care as, i'm T/T.

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Well, what makes culture ? People doing the same thing and socialising. You do realise that because Britain do have a long history of fermenting ale, and beer such that, this is actually worth preserving?


This is one of those things that, unless you have been outside the country, and see how other people live. You never know, and never really appreciate what you do have. Maybe because you are living in Britain, most people are actually quite curious about the heritage of Britain.


Beers, ales, and pies actually goes back a long time into the roman days.



It should be brought back, and preserved. However, I still wouldn't actually want to go into a pub if it is full of rowdy people who doesn't keep to themselves or their groups but shouts in your face. I am also sure that football was never part of the drinking culture until someone decided to plonk a tv in a pub.


Oh, they should also bring back some etiquette too ! People should QUEUE.


Can't disagree with any of that. TV's in pubs are a downer as is loutish behaviour. I tend to head to Fox House to avoid it.

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