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Petition to stop pubs closing.

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Oh well in that case lets also bring back hanging, make homosexuality illegal again, have a lower wage rate for women, repeal the equal opportunities, working time directives, minimum wage act, sexual discrimination act and force businesses to close on Sundays. That was also exactly what happened in the 50s and 60s obviously that would be better for society too :loopy:


What a load of rot you talk. Making pubs close in the afternoon would not stop drunken idots charging round out street. Most boozing is done between 8.00pm and 2.00am on weekends. That's when pubs are open and they are hardly likely to close during these vital hours. The aftermath of such is when the streets allegedly become warzones.


This is 2014. Most normal people are at work during the day not sat in a pub. You seem to forget that back then were we the city of pubs open 24/7 to cater for the thousands of steelworkers charging out for their lunchtime drinking sessions. Oh yes, very responsible.


I completely fail to understand your points regards afternoon closures creating jobs - if a pub is open less hours each day, it cannot need more people or assist in the profit of other businesses. Furthermore, what on earth makes you think that these young drinkers would be so influenced by older "more experienced" drinkers??? Where are all these young people now. They are still sat in the same pub at the same time as the experienced what are they supposed to learn. Do our more experienced drinkers show them what to do? Do they have any influence now? Are they setting such a good example themselves? I dont think so. Just because you are 40/50/60 does not mean you still dont get sloshed and make an ass of yourself.


If we are talking about the subject of afternoon drinkers causing an nuisance - which your post appears to state - lets have a look at that age group in more detail. Take a look who ACTUALLY is sat in pubs at 2.00 in the afternoon. I dont think its many young ones. Have you seen the crowd in the Bankers Draft, Cannon, Hen and Chicken, Sportsman in the middle of the day.


So, we ban the supermarkets from selling alcohol and restrict it just to off licences. What is that going to achieve? Supermarkets would simply open up separate off licences just like they have done with corner shops. Still having the same buying power, same ability to price fix and same ability to undercut the pubs.


Society changes, trends change, people move on. Drinking at home has increased, working hours have changed, pubs have become a divided business between being for dining or for drinking. Bar culture is the new trend for drinkers with family/specialist/gormet dining also developing. People go to pubs for food now as well as drink. Pubs provide family dining/entertainment for ALL ages these days. Bar culture with a totally new range of drinks has increased, people no longer sit with a milk stout and a pint of bitter. Tastes have developed beyond this. There has never been so much choice and so much variety.


You adapt or die. Simple as that.


Regarding your vituperative response, I would agree with your first paragraph, although I thought we were discussing pubs and the licensing laws.


Things do change, we do "move on" but life can be circuitous and sometimes the things we think we change "for the better" we actually make worse.


The easing of the licensing laws with the intention of making pubs and drinkers more like European cafes and their customers has manifestly failed. How do we know this? alcohol consumption is increased whilst pubs are closing daily.


Some city and town center's are no go areas at night and "bouncers" rule were once responsible licensees worked with Police and local authorities to create safe accessible socially inclusive licensed premises.


It is attitudes like yours which appear to espouse the changing of licensed drinking premises into restaurants, that allow Tesco and its like to sell crap booze at bargain prices to people who would not get served by a responsible licensee.


You also fall into the trap of assuming that persons who regularly availed themselves of public houses in the past did so to get "sloshed". We did not the pub was at the centre of the community along side the church and the Post Office.


It was were you met friends and were newcomers were inducted into the area.


Regarding your "adapt or die" comment, pubs have been at the center of English life for centuries, they should never have been made to adapt, have indeed failed to do so, and they have died. This country is the worse for it.

Edited by Bob England
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I read in the paper this morning there's to be a new law that prohibits pubcos from charging rents for more than the market value. Will this stop pubs closing? Possibly, I think it'll probably mean pubs are open but relatively empty as people stuggle to buy a pint and I can't see landlords reducing the cost of booze is more profit is to be had. Reduce booze to 50p or £1 and the pubs will be full

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I read in the paper this morning there's to be a new law that prohibits pubcos from charging rents for more than the market value. Will this stop pubs closing? Possibly, I think it'll probably mean pubs are open but relatively empty as people stuggle to buy a pint and I can't see landlords reducing the cost of booze is more profit is to be had. Reduce booze to 50p or £1 and the pubs will be full


It's not just rents - they will be allowed to buy beer on the open market as well (pub companies charge tenants up to 60p per pint more than market rates). Article here for those who haven't seen the news elsewhere.

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It's not just rents - they will be allowed to buy beer on the open market as well (pub companies charge tenants up to 60p per pint more than market rates). Article here for those who haven't seen the news elsewhere.


You'd think the tories would support greater choice and the free market.


I see the pubco shares have dropped sharply after last nights vote.

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Its terrific news for the consumer (ie us!) as essentially it makes all pubs Free Houses.


Good news for aspirational landlords as well.


Not so good for the scumbag pubcos because now they can't cripple their landlords and force their pubs to become run down and easy to sell for flats/Sainsbury expresses.

Edited by Jonny5
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