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Petition to stop pubs closing.

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Not if they are tied. It's in their contract...so many casks at a specified price, and a price much higher than they could could buy elsewhere.


There are new places selling alcohol in variuos town, they can sell what they like.

I go in a great Sam Smiths pub, I have the choice of various tied pubs, cafe pube, WMCs and free houses; lots of competition. Shares have fallen because the breweries will sell less and make less money, not the other way around.

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A lot of the rules about pubs need to be abolished. They should be able to buy beer from whomever they choose, and sell it at whatever price they choose. They shouldn't have to pay extra for Sky TV either.


Looks like a conflict of interests there. If pubs should be able to sell booze at the price they want, why shouldn't Sky sell their their services at the price they want?


Don't see the price of a pint coming down in the boozers

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A lot of the rules about pubs need to be abolished. They should be able to buy beer from whomever they choose, and sell it at whatever price they choose. They shouldn't have to pay extra for Sky TV either.


Is it only Sky they shouldn't pay extra for? Should they pay extra insurance than a house hold? Should they pay business rates?

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There are new places selling alcohol in variuos town, they can sell what they like.

I go in a great Sam Smiths pub, I have the choice of various tied pubs, cafe pube, WMCs and free houses; lots of competition. Shares have fallen because the breweries will sell less and make less money, not the other way around.


Sam Smiths pubs only sell Sam Smiths beers. There are new places selling different beers but this is because they are not tied...I'm not sure what your point is.


Free houses can buy and sell whatever beer they like, eg Riverside, Harlequin, Blake, Kelham Island. Others that are are tied to a Pubco cannot.


This new law now enables tied pubs to purchase beer on the open market, so instead of an Enterprise pub just having a range of boring generic beers (Black Sheep, Green King, Doom Bar) they can buy Abbeydale, Steel City, Siren, Buxton etc

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This new law now enables tied pubs to purchase beer on the open market, so instead of an Enterprise pub just having a range of boring generic beers (Black Sheep, Green King, Doom Bar) they can buy Abbeydale, Steel City, Siren, Buxton etc


And its this frequent change of guest ales (along with the pubs self promotion on Twitter or FB) that brings in custom. I normally don't venture out drinking in the week but if I find one of my locals has just put on a barrel of something from Sheffield then I'll make the effort to go out for a couple.

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And its this frequent change of guest ales (along with the pubs self promotion on Twitter or FB) that brings in custom. I normally don't venture out drinking in the week but if I find one of my locals has just put on a barrel of something from Sheffield then I'll make the effort to go out for a couple.


Quite, I've taken to checking Shakespeares facebook site which often shows the current beer range and if there's something interesting I'll pop in for a couple on the way to my usual pub.

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Its terrific news for the consumer (ie us!) as essentially it makes all pubs Free Houses.


Good news for aspirational landlords as well.


Not so good for the scumbag pubcos because now they can't cripple their landlords and force their pubs to become run down and easy to sell for flats/Sainsbury expresses.


Well not quite but a step in that direction. The smaller pubs could end up being un profitable to the breweries if Tenants are allowed to buy beer at market prices. The same may apply to rents, breweries being forced to charge open market rents.


This is being put forward as a negative point by some people but, if it happens and the breweries sell off the smaller pubs, then we could see many being bought and opened as true Free Houses. This could work in my opinion, but we as a nation need to be charmed back into pubs not priced out of them.

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I read in the paper this morning there's to be a new law that prohibits pubcos from charging rents for more than the market value. Will this stop pubs closing? Possibly, I think it'll probably mean pubs are open but relatively empty as people stuggle to buy a pint and I can't see landlords reducing the cost of booze is more profit is to be had. Reduce booze to 50p or £1 and the pubs will be full


Selling a lot more at a smaller margin makes more profit. Do you think landlords won't realise this?

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