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Tony Blair. Middle East Peace Envoy. 6 years on how is it going?

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But Blair is rich. Very rich. He is on the Sunday Times Rich List worth £75 million plus.


The mans a stone cold killer, a murderer with the blood of 1000s on his hands.

I do hope karma catches up with the dirt bag.

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But he didn't did he (have a bash that is).


Why do you bring politics and red and blue ******** into every subject? Do you believe everything a man in a red tie tells you and ignore anything a man in a blue tie does? Can you not make up your own mind?


That fact is he is using control over the media to try and persuade public opinion that some kind of force is necessary and if you can try and back it up by some iffy report (Kelly) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-25822571 so much the easier

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How does Cameron inventing stories detract from what Blair did? I know Cameron is a lying idiot. He supported Blair in invading Iraq.


The fool Cameron probably believed what Blair showed MPs from his "dodgy dossier". Before Blair MPs thought they could trust the word of the Prime Minister. Incidentally Cameron wasn't leader of the Tories at the time.

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