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Don't trust your refrigerator..

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The internet of things is a privacy and security nightmare. We've already had LG smart TVs sending details of what you watch and videos you own to LG and ISPs having effectively no security on their routers.


So what will an internet connected fridge do. I've seen news reports with claims they will be able to automatically order stuff when you are running out. Just as likely they will sell details of what you buy to advertisers so they can target you with adverts (you may not have a problem with that) and insurance companies who notice you fridge rarely contains fresh veg but does seem be full of cream cakes, fatty/sugary/salty food, beer, etc. and increase your premiums as a result (you're unlikely to not have a problem with that).


IT security people are very suspicious of internet connected domestic appliances and you should be too.

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IT security people are very suspicious of internet connected domestic appliances and you should be too.


Their suspicion comes from the slap-dash approach many manufacturers have towards coding these things.


Just out-source it all to some Indian sweatshop and flog whatever code comes back, why does it need testing, why does it need security - afterall it's just a fridge?!?!

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