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Knee injury then cannot stop shivering

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I went jogging tonight then hit my knee pain wasn't too much so I just jogged it off, when I got home I put ice on it and went to bed, when I stretched out I felt a massive amount of pain and I started shaking/shivering for about 5 min just wondering was that shock or was it more if an panic attack?

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Lack of salt? That can cause cramps and shivering. You may have sweated too much when jogging and the salt needs replenishing. Eat a bag of crisps if it happens again -there's more than enough in that.


Must stress we need v. little salt, but we do need some.

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The massive amount of pain doesn't sound good. Is the pain inside the joint or around it? Side of knee, top of knee or bottom of knee? Does it feel stable? Can you walk on it? Have you injured it before?


Rest it, ice it, elevate it, take a couple of painkillers. Seriously consider getting a doctor or physio to take a look.

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