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I am a member of this group



It's good. Got a bit popular though and because they limit the number of riders on each ride often find the rides are full. They need a few more ride leaders! Great bunch though.


Where and when do you go out? I took to day off and went to Cannock Trails. Never been before. It was OK but not worth the travel in my opinion. Warncliffe is as good when it dries out a bit. Some great rides in the peaks.


Also check out ride Sheffield on facebook.

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Currently riding in the Peaks - Derwent etc and over Houndkirk, Stanage and Blackamoor.


Fitness levels on the up but I'm riding from a very unfit starting point at Christmas just gone I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without stopping out of breath.


Distances of about 20 to 25km are my limit at present so an hour or 2.


While I wouldn't want to hold other riders back, I feel that I am at the level when being with others pushes you a bit to keep up!


Will look in to your tips, thanks folks.

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