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How to insult an English person

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I can't think there's any term used for the English or Yorkshire folk that I find insulting, I guess I'm just not that sensitive.


I think these days some people are just looking for something to be offended by.





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English people do not seem to be offended if someone calls them a Brit, whereas someone from Scotland or Wales want to retain their heritage an do not like the term Brit.


Brits or Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. Northern Ireland is part

of the United Kingdom.


I am English being born there but on the National Census had to tick - British, the other

countries included in Britain could put down where they were born.


I am English so feel it is not fair. I'll get my coat.

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If you call someone a Pakistanis, it is racism


If they're from a country other than Pakistan but are lumped in as "Pakis" because of their appearence, that's certainly borderline racism (and pig ignorance on the part of the person using this phrase in such a blanket manner).


"****" is considered offensive because it is almost always used in a pejorative sense.


"Brit" (for example) most often is not used pejoratively.


That's the difference.

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"****" is considered offensive because it is almost always used in a pejorative sense.



I dont think that is the case. At work we had two girls with the same name, but one was spelt with a c and the other a k. One was black(brown) and the other White.

We were told to refer to the one with the name starting with a kicking k(its at a school), not the black or white girl; PC speak gone mad.

A **** shop is not a negative, just a way of describing the shop.

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.................we refer to the Scots as Jocks, the Welsh as Taff, the Irish as Paddy/Mick, why should people from Pakistan be different? if the 'P' word is used in a jokey way, what the problem? We have become a nation with no sense of humour.............!


Just as a matter of interest, by what nickname do the Scots, Welsh & Irish refer to the English?

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