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Teen executed in 1944 may get a new trial

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Ruth Ellis may not have hanged if she hadnt wounded a passer-by,it was that as much as the pre meditated shooting of Blakely that blocked a reprieve


The French would have called it a "temporary state of the mind" or "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". The French understood more how emotional upsets can play havoc with the mind where love is involved :D


A spell in prison would have been her lot


---------- Post added 22-01-2014 at 22:11 ----------


No fingers being wagged - but you make a vital point "no official segregation "


When was the Parks incident and when was it that the us outlawed discrimination on the basis of colour ?


Racism is racism whether it's condoned or not. When did the UK government pass laws to stop people sticking signs up telling certain members of the community that they werent wanted? It was still happening when I left in 1965


---------- Post added 22-01-2014 at 22:18 ----------


I don't know what you're asking. The official fact on the death penalty is, where a death penalty exists in whatever state you're questioning, is that the minimum age for a death sentence is 18. That is Federal law, just as the minimum age to be allowed to drink is 21 whatever state you're in. I personally hate the death penalty, but its the will of the people that keeps it in situ, not some bunch of murderers in Congress. You have rightly extinguished it in the UK, but you were brutal when it existed, and I don't remember much sympathy for the condemned when I lived there, quite the opposite.


It was also seriously flawed in that executions were carried out within a very short period after sentence was passed. It was extremely rare when extenuating circumstances were allowed to be taken into consideration.


Say what you will about the US system whether it's right or wrong but a condemned prisoner is allowed years,sometimes even as much as two decades to exercise his right of appeal to the higher courts

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Those decades of appeal did not apply to the 14 year old boy did they ?

I agree that racism is what it is - but there is a difference between a state enforcing it and the individual citizen unsupported by the state behaving badly


I think you need to consider the difference between a truly racist state - I can't quite remember when Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for crimes he was supposed to have committed and for being black - and a pub saying no Irish for which they can and now will be prosecuted

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You as usual are always at the forefront of anything derogatory about the US and since someone decided to start a thread on a murder case and execution that took place 70 years ago with some doubt now being placed on the guilt of the accused why not comment on the British penal system that existed also at that time unless you think that it was so perfect and just that it's above criticism or you just wanted to throw a hissy fit because I mentioned something that was disagreeable.



Wow, and breathe....


No I just ask one technical point and you threw your instant hissy fit because someone dared to question your beloved Union... :roll:


---------- Post added 23-01-2014 at 02:07 ----------


What does "whiter than white" mean? Is it supposed to be derogatory? Please explain.


It's so blindingly obvious that I won't even bother to explain it, since you and the H are just going to take your usual synthetic affront to it.

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It's so blindingly obvious that I won't even bother to explain it, since you and the H are just going to take your usual synthetic affront to it.


Obvious to who? Someone who lives in the UK? I don't live in the UK, so please explain.

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Wow, and breathe....


No I just ask one technical point and you threw your instant hissy fit because someone dared to question your beloved Union... :roll:


---------- Post added 23-01-2014 at 02:07 ----------



It's so blindingly obvious that I won't even bother to explain it, since you and the H are just going to take your usual synthetic affront to it.


I was hardly alive in 1944 so what the USA "permitted" as far as capital punishment is concerned I havent a clue. Segregation in the southern states seems to have been ignored by the Federal government but here we are getting into the legalities of state laws and state's rights at a time in history when American kids of 18 and 19 were over in Europe giving up their lives to help Britain win a war it could not have won on it's own.


I feel compelled to get on your case because you are one of those posters who consistantly jump on the wagon every time a thread is started about "how dumb" or "only in America" being the thread subject. I dont particularly care what your feelings are but if I can ram home a point and burst your bubble somewhat I feel that my time hasnt been completely wasted :D


Maybe you should google YouTube and search for some jackass out on the street with a camera who walked along Fifth avenue N.Y, asked several people where the British Isles were and when the correct answer was received kept going until he finally found a fellow jackass who didnt have a clue then recorded the whole scene with a humorous comment that obviously he was typical of all Americans. That's how it works boyo and that's what people like you feed on when it comes to this forum. You could then post it as a link on SF under an appropriate heading of which I'm sure you'd have no trouble thinking up but you wouldnt be the first to have done that... not by a long shot.


It's too bad that Skye TV never airs "Jeopardy" in your neck of the woods. You might get an education that there are many here who have more brains in their ass than you and all your other phobes put together. I'd like to see any of you answer correctly a tenth of the general knowledge questions that are put to them by the program host.

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Does posting that make you smarter than smart ?


---------- Post added 23-01-2014 at 06:14 ----------


Thank you. I really have never heard that expression used before.


There was a Tv commercial years ago in the UK with a beaming housewife holding up a dish cloth or a bed sheet or something or other burbling on about how Persil washing powder washed her "whites whiter than white"


Or was it Daz or Bleacho? Cant remember

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There was a Tv commercial years ago in the UK with a beaming housewife holding up a dish cloth or a bed sheet or something or other burbling on about how Persil washing powder washed her "whites whiter than white"


Or was it Daz or Bleacho? Cant remember


Never heard of Daz, never heard of Bleacho. Never heard of Persil. Evidently I missed something growing up in California. Does no one in the UK use BORAX for laundry? Amazing stuff. :thumbsup:


Now that I think about it, that expression makes no sense. Why not just say white and be done with it?


What's that saying, "two nations divided by a common language?" :hihi:


Those of us in the US are at a disadvantage. American TV programs are wildly popular all over the world and people hear American expressions and particularly west coast slang. Foreign programs are not nearly as popular over here.


The husband and I once met a young man from Romania who was working at a winery. He spoke flawless english, albeit with a slight accent. We were astounded when he told us he'd learned it all from American TV shows and video games.

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