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Teen executed in 1944 may get a new trial

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It most assuredly is not the case. There were some child executions in the south in the 19th Century I believe, but none under 18 in recent memory.


Although the US doesn't draw the line for people with learning disabilities.


The number of executions in Florida, Texas and the recent barbaric slaughter in Ohio bring shame to the whole country.

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I snipped the frothing that you came up with to get to the content...


You may like to note that not once did I criticise the USA in my posts - I asked one question hoping for a sensible answer which Buck was knid enough to provide.


You - predictably as ever - immediatly saw offence where none was and went off foaming with righteous synthetic indignation and decided - predictably - the best course of damage limitation is to attack.


Mafya posted a perfectly reasonable link for someone. Again, you decide, instantly to attack and abuse.


Quite why you need to to this is beyond me.


Want to know why America is hated the world over by people? Want to know why there is a strong anti USA contingent on here?


Look in the mirror. The reason is looking right back at you.


And then wind your neck in boyo. You'll annoy less people and might have a more pleasant life and lower blood pressure if you do.

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It matters a very great deal that as a society we reflect on the wrong that was done in our name by the system that allowed the conviction and execution of individuals that were not guilty. Can people get there heads round that.

The state (whichever it is) by its police force and prosecuting agency press on with a case which results in the killing by the state of a citizen.


If we do not look and learn the lessons how do we as a society make certain that such disgraceful events are not repeated.

A teenage boy was executed (how any society can condone the execution of children is beyond me) how many days after the offence ?

How is that due process with proper investigation and examination of the evidence


The fact he was black in a deeply segregated society just makes it worse - and I struggle to understand how anyone alive today can do anything other than thank our stars we are where we are -

For our American friend - what year was Rosa Parkes asks to move herself on a bus having sat in a seat reserved for white folks ??

I am surprised you weren't able to check the date of Rosa Parks challenge. It was December 1, 1955. Unless you were looking for Rosa Parkes of course.


---------- Post added 23-01-2014 at 12:54 ----------


It wasn't elegantly made but he was making a fair point, inasmuch as the justice system in the US is still heavily biased against non white people.
It is heavily biased against those who commit crimes, no matter what color they are. Most violent crimes in the US happen in Black or Hispanic neighborhoods of major cities. This is not a racist statement, it is fact. Asians are not white, yet there is little crime among them. They are usually excellent scholars and good family people. If you want fairness, tell the gangs to stop killing each other. But you're Halibut, and that wouldn't do, would it.:rant:
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I snipped the frothing that you came up with to get to the content...


You may like to note that not once did I criticise the USA in my posts - I asked one question hoping for a sensible answer which Buck was knid enough to provide.


You - predictably as ever - immediatly saw offence where none was and went off foaming with righteous synthetic indignation and decided - predictably - the best course of damage limitation is to attack.


Mafya posted a perfectly reasonable link for someone. Again, you decide, instantly to attack and abuse.


Quite why you need to to this is beyond me.


Want to know why America is hated the world over by people? Want to know why there is a strong anti USA contingent on here?


Look in the mirror. The reason is looking right back at you.


And then wind your neck in boyo. You'll annoy less people and might have a more pleasant life and lower blood pressure if you do.


See (highlighted) this is what I'm talking about. Your wild assertions and exaggerations at work again :hihi: Some people in some countries, notably in the middle east may hate the USA but not all people in all countries in the middle east hate the USA either Why people on the forum have an anti-US bias is quite understandanble since they are all either Muslim or old former Marxists but they don't represent Sheffield by a long shot either


So glad you enjoyed my previous post anyway :D


---------- Post added 23-01-2014 at 18:04 ----------


Although the US doesn't draw the line for people with learning disabilities.


The number of executions in Florida, Texas and the recent barbaric slaughter in Ohio bring shame to the whole country.


Wrong. What brings shame to certain areas, notabaly the big inner city areas is the slaughter going on between black and hispanic gangs over the drug trade. Personally it dont matter to me a bit. It means one less useless mouth in prison being fed, cothed and housed by the taxpayer but when an innocent bystander is killed during one of their shootouts or a person robbed and murdered by some dope head to feed his cravings then the gas chamber is what I call fair and equitable justice.

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Wow, and breathe....


No I just ask one technical point and you threw your instant hissy fit because someone dared to question your beloved Union... :roll:


---------- Post added 23-01-2014 at 02:07 ----------



It's so blindingly obvious that I won't even bother to explain it, since you and the H are just going to take your usual synthetic affront to it.

It's been my experience that whenever Sierra comments on her country, she is not afraid to include statements on what is wrong with it. She tells the truth as she sees it, and if you don't like it, too bad. She knows America a lot more than you ever will, and more than I. I don't know why SF hates America so much. America doesn't hate Sheffield as far as I know, even if they know where it is. They liked The Full Monty, they even put it on Broadway with American accents, to please y'all.
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whats the point?

would there be any new evidence?

hes no longer around to tell his side of the story


The point is it should be made clear that an injustice was done here. We don't have all the information on this, I'm certain, but I think the idea was to clear his name, if possible, or at the very least hold the State of South Carolina responsible for what seems to be a clear miscarriage of justice. I'm sure his relatives would love to have his name cleared though the judge stated she would only be able to determine if he got a fair trial which I think its a no brainer that he didn't. Can't bring him back though.

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An injustice was done in the sense that he should not have been executed at such a tender age.


In the matter of his actual guilt that's another issue. I imagine just about anyone who was involved in that case is now dead and many documents pertaining to the case assigned to the shredder or the round shaped bin years ago. Courts seldom put stuff that old into the computer


There are members of the vicitms family, nieces I think who are still alive and stated that they are still convinced that he was guilty

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The point is it should be made clear that an injustice was done here. We don't have all the information on this, I'm certain, but I think the idea was to clear his name, if possible, or at the very least hold the State of South Carolina responsible for what seems to be a clear miscarriage of justice. I'm sure his relatives would love to have his name cleared though the judge stated she would only be able to determine if he got a fair trial which I think its a no brainer that he didn't. Can't bring him back though.



At last, someone who has recognised what is very likely an injustice and hasn't discarded it as "well it happened ages ago so what".


Well done Cotton for making it simple, you're right obviously, it won't bring him back, but the recognition that the system was overwhelmingly against him..not for legal or evidential reasons but simply because of the colour of his skin.



We can all imagine what it must feel like to be the victim of a very violent crime, especially if you have children and remember them when they were 14..imagine what it must be like to be in a cell surrounded by keys, locks, chains and a long walk to a chair flanked by grown adults to your death. 14 is so very young.

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Never heard of Daz, never heard of Bleacho. Never heard of Persil. Evidently I missed something growing up in California. Does no one in the UK use BORAX for laundry? Amazing stuff. :thumbsup:


Now that I think about it, that expression makes no sense. Why not just say white and be done with it?


What's that saying, "two nations divided by a common language?" :hihi:


Those of us in the US are at a disadvantage. American TV programs are wildly popular all over the world and people hear American expressions and particularly west coast slang. Foreign programs are not nearly as popular over here.


The husband and I once met a young man from Romania who was working at a winery. He spoke flawless english, albeit with a slight accent. We were astounded when he told us he'd learned it all from American TV shows and video games.

Many years ago while camping near Montreal, we were sitting with this family chatting away in French. The Dad kept telling his young daughter to "Assis toi" which she totally ignored. So I whispered to her "sit down" which she promptly did. I commented to Papa about it, and he said it was US TV to blame. She had almost lost her native language.
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