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Middle class parents to pay for education

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The problem is that it makes access to better education more available to the wealthy.


On the other hand, middle class parents are more likely to be interested in education and so their children are more likely to do well. It's very difficult to separate the two contributions (one from interest, one from wealth).


I see your point.

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I doubt if Obelix is in the 1% but he is middle class I believe. As for pensioners contributing more, I'm sure I won't have a choice. Nor will anyone else.


You just don't get it do you? If you believe we can pay the trillion+ debt then somebody has to pay it. Once the poor have been squeezed dry and can't pay any more they are going to start on the one's who have got money. They won't stop until we're all taxed, penalised, or ripped off into poverty. That means you too.

The only consolation is in the saying;

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man through the gates of heaven."

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Jeremy vine gamely had a go at that on radio 2, and it was a tedious half hour I'll never get back. Save yourself the misery and don't ask!


The term is used so often and more usually than not in a derogatory manner that I thought it would be helpful to know just who we were talking about..

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The term is used so often and more usually than not in a derogatory manner that I thought it would be helpful to know just who we were talking about..


My sister is typical middle class. Professional, professional husband, kids with very middle class names clad in bodens with friends who are very similar. Couple of nice cars, two foreign holidays a year on decent money. They don't ski though;)


I think people try and slide into the middle classes by claiming if they collectively earn a bit and go abroad and have two cars just because they earn a bit doing something (and I'm really not trying to sound derogatory) like a builder or used car salesman when they probably aren't.


I'm working class, not many seem to want to own up to that. I'm not a graduate, not minted, don't shop at waitrose. I've also known psychologists who grew up on the wrong side of tracks steadfastly refuse to be called anything but working class. Then again is just on occupation - I forget what it was called now but a scale where A =professional B= middle management C1 = white collar type work C2 = skilled manual (sparkys etc) D = unskilled E = unemployed? I'm not sure that's relevant (or even right - it was 20 years ago!) anymore.

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My sister is typical middle class. Professional, professional husband, kids with very middle class names clad in bodens with friends who are very similar. Couple of nice cars, two foreign holidays a year on decent money. They don't ski though;)


I think people try and slide into the middle classes by claiming if they collectively earn a bit and go abroad and have two cars just because they earn a bit doing something (and I'm really not trying to sound derogatory) like a builder or used car salesman when they probably aren't.


I'm working class, not many seem to want to own up to that. I'm not a graduate, not minted, don't shop at waitrose. I've also known psychologists who grew up on the wrong side of tracks steadfastly refuse to be called anything but working class. Then again is just on occupation - I forget what it was called now but a scale where A =professional B= middle management C1 = white collar type work C2 = skilled manual (sparkys etc) D = unskilled E = unemployed? I'm not sure that's relevant (or even right - it was 20 years ago!) anymore.


Clear as mud :)

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I'm not saying that - just that Anna's apparant idea of a 1% of people deliberatly setting out to squeeze everyone else is a myth.


Oh, right, well, yes, just like everybody else they are primarily interested in their own well being, it's unintentional that it squeezes everybody else because they have a disproportionate level of power and influence.

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