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More good news on the economy..

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We are still waiting for you to prove that the economy shrank by 50% last March... Fair's fair - come on let's have it....


I answered your lame questions but you didn't like my exact and accurate answers. We are still waiting for you answers to my questions

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Been following this news with interest. I think any talk of a sustained and balanced recovery is totally off the mark.


1. The unemployment figures are not at all what they seem. Where are these jobs? How many have gone self-employed to use the working tax credits scam for example?


2. GDP growth is unbalanced and being fuelled off consumption driven by cheap credit. Gordon Brown's most massive mistake repeated.


3. The coalition is stoking another house price boom. Another massive error by Gordon Brown repeated.


4. A moderate rise in interest rates will cause finances to implode for many families. The economy is on life support, dependent on low interest rates.


5. The deficit is still massive. If Osborne's plans had worked next year we would be close to a surplus. We're not. Nowhere near. How can he take credit for that?


I'm now kind of hoping that the Tories win the next election now because this is going to blow up in their faces big time.

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Been following this news with interest. I think any talk of a sustained and balanced recovery is totally off the mark.


1. The unemployment figures are not at all what they seem. Where are these jobs? How many have gone self-employed to use the working tax credits scam for example?


2. GDP growth is unbalanced and being fuelled off consumption driven by cheap credit. Gordon Brown's most massive mistake repeated.


3. The coalition is stoking another house price boom. Another massive error by Gordon Brown repeated.


4. A moderate rise in interest rates will cause finances to implode for many families. The economy is on life support, dependent on low interest rates.


5. The deficit is still massive. If Osborne's plans had worked next year we would be close to a surplus. We're not. Nowhere near. How can he take credit for that?


I'm now kind of hoping that the Tories win the next election now because this is going to blow up in their faces big time.


Yes indeed I think you're right...

I wonder if they'll have the cheek to blame Labour if they are in power when it all goes Pop?

Oh yes, it's the Conservatives... of course they will...

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No you didn't. Where's the proof that the economy shrank by 50% last March?


Why is earning money via exports a bad idea?

It's not, but is that what's happening?


When Nissan exports cars made in this country, the money goes to the parent company. We have no guarantee that the correct taxes are paid in this country, creative accountancy can ensure that we get next to nothing as has been scandalously demonstrated by various other non-domiciled companies.


We are not making or exporting nearly enough of our own stuff (except for weapons,) which is why I tend to doubt the validity of this so called 'Good news.'

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No you didn't. Where's the proof that the economy shrank by 50% last March?


Why is earning money via exports a bad idea?


I don't remember seeing that one before, not from from you anyway. I don't ever recall saying it was a bad idea, but I remember saying something along the lines that part of the problem is foreigned owned businesses taking money out of the UK and the fact that 4/5ths of car production leave the UK which outlines the spending power of most of the UK public. Your turn

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