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More good news on the economy..

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1. The figures that we are discussing though are not employment levels (or number of vacancies) but unemployment levels, which are also tracked directly.


2. A convenient headline, but the details counter the point you want to make.




3. And from around the same date as that article


Mortgage lending (by number of approvals) is still at around 60% of the previous peak, slowly recovering, but still very suppressed.


4. True, of some debt, although in terms of household debt, only non-fixed mortgages really. Nearly every other kind of household debt is borrowed at a fixed rate for a fixed period, changes in the base rate make no difference.

On the other hand, savers should immediately start to see some difference (and there are more savers than borrowers I think from memory), as most household saving (with the exception of bonds) is not at a fixed rate and duration.


---------- Post added 27-01-2014 at 08:29 ----------


Seriously. Are you deluded?


You were the one who doesn't know the difference between growth in the economy and the economy, and refused to clarify... Now you claim to have a won an argument over it :huh:


---------- Post added 27-01-2014 at 08:31 ----------


I'm sure someone in the rail industry could answer that, or possibly google.

If that already happens, then getting there 20 minutes faster will still get you to your destination 20 minutes faster.


They will not be lost. If you arrived at the station 20 minutes later, you would arrive at your destination 20 minutes later.

The comparison isn't with the previous year, or the previous decade, it's with the same day, but with a 20 minute difference.


---------- Post added 27-01-2014 at 08:32 ----------



Everybody else knew that, you on the other hand were claiming that the economy halved. And kept repeating that claim and refusing to substantiate it.


... and as if by magic hahahaha

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Here we go again, why can't you admit you lost? Again, which did you think I meant, since someone said earlier, things hardly change regarding the economy. Don't tell me, you're giving to give yourself a little bit of support by helping yourself now. I suppose you'd better keep the pressure on since the Cons are trailing by 7 in the last YouGov poll, attack is the best form of defence as they say and that's really the type of person you continually demonstrate yourself to be.


You have made so many wild and outlandish claims Mecky that I have no idea what you mean. Since you said quite clearly, several times that you thought that the economy halved in March - and since you were questioned several times about it - and you still stuck to the same line, it's hardly surprising that people assumed you mean that.


Now then - are you going to provide proof for your wild assertion that the economy halved in March, or are you going to retract it?

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Did you forget to include any content in your post? :loopy:


People like Mecky would prefer to see the country collapse just so they can be personally vindicated rather then say one positive word when our nation gets some good news.


If this was a Labour government he would be singing from the roof tops along with a few others on here, but as its a Tory led government, its all lies and deceit.


The childishness of the blinkered left knows no bounds.

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People like Mecky would prefer to see the country collapse just so they can be personally vindicated rather then say one positive word when our nation gets some good news.


If this was a Labour government he would be singing from the roof tops along with a few others on here, but as its a Tory led government, its all lies and deceit.


The childishness of the blinkered left knows no bounds.


I've said it before, but not in while, but anyone who supports any party and doesn't criticise them at all is a complete and indeed dangerous moron. It's why an increasing number of us either don't vote or don't trust politicians because idiots like that vote for the same party regardless of anything and give them the sort of devotion normally reserved for football clubs.

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I've said it before, but not in while, but anyone who supports any party and doesn't criticise them at all is a complete and indeed dangerous moron. It's why an increasing number of us either don't vote or don't trust politicians because idiots like that vote for the same party regardless of anything and give them the sort of devotion normally reserved for football clubs.


Yay, a sensible person in Sheffield. Was beginning to think they didn't exist.


Oh and growth wasn't halved wither, the growth forecast was halved. Actual growth surpassed the forecast.

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I've said it before, but not in while, but anyone who supports any party and doesn't criticise them at all is a complete and indeed dangerous moron. It's why an increasing number of us either don't vote or don't trust politicians because idiots like that vote for the same party regardless of anything and give them the sort of devotion normally reserved for football clubs.


I agree. I HATE tribal politics. The mentality that "My Grand father voted Labour, My Father voted Labour, so I vote Labour" is utter pish and means we end up with MP's who are never scared of losing their seats. This goes for ALL political view points but seems way more prolific in the Labour heartlands.

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I agree. I HATE tribal politics. The mentality that "My Grand father voted Labour, My Father voted Labour, so I vote Labour" is utter pish and means we end up with MP's who are never scared of losing their seats. This goes for ALL political view points but seems way more prolific in the Labour heartlands.


Yes. Tribal politics don't happen among Tories in Tory areas like Surrey, Buckinghamshire, Knightsbridge, Kent and North Yorkshire where Tory MPs are always terrified about losing their seats. Congratulations on saying how much you hate tribal politics before following it up with a comment based on tribal politics.

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Yes. Tribal politics don't happen among Tories in Tory areas like Surrey, Buckinghamshire, Knightsbridge, Kent and North Yorkshire where Tory MPs are always terrified about losing their seats. Congratulations on saying how much you hate tribal politics before following it up with a comment based on tribal politics.


Where did I say that? Go back and read the bit that says "this goes for ALL political view points" :rolleyes:


But if you need evidence that shows hoe prolific this is amoungst Labour seats, look here: http://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/orderedseats.html

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Yes. Tribal politics don't happen among Tories in Tory areas like Surrey, Buckinghamshire, Knightsbridge, Kent and North Yorkshire where Tory MPs are always terrified about losing their seats. Congratulations on saying how much you hate tribal politics before following it up with a comment based on tribal politics.


Of course it does, but being in labour heartlands you just see more red-coloured drum banging on here. I'm sure if I was a regular on Henley-on-Thames forum I'd see many more die-hard Tories defending their every policy.

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