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More good news on the economy..

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I find it suspicious that the economy always appears to improve just before a General Election.


All it takes to make growth is for the Government to borrow money, and then pump it back into the economy, or as we have now, fuel optimism and encourage the general public to borrow and spend.

The main thing that caused the recession in the first place was pessimism and paying back loans.

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All it takes to make growth is for the Government to borrow money, and then pump it back into the economy, or as we have now, fuel optimism and encourage the general public to borrow and spend.

The main thing that caused the recession in the first place was pessimism and paying back loans.


Is that all it takes? Wow, why didn't they just fuel optimism the whole time and then there would never be a recession.


Why don't you apply for chancellor, I'm sure you'd do great seeing as it is so simple.

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Is that all it takes? Wow, why didn't they just fuel optimism the whole time and then there would never be a recession.


Why don't you apply for chancellor, I'm sure you'd do great seeing as it is so simple.


Do you have a different view? Or can I put you down as one of my references ;)

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I take the rough with the smooth which is more can be said for some people. Take the OP for example, ever the selective poster.


Take this article from the BBC for example. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25854938. "UK car production reaches six-year high, says trade body" Sounds good doesn't it? Maybe it is to some extent. but look closer " Says trade body" and who is buying these cars? "Four out of five cars built in the UK were sold abroad, with strong demand coming from China, the US and Russia." it's not British people and these companies are foreign-owned anyway with most profit leaving the UK economy. Didn't Top Gear say cars were being copied in China and being produced cheaper? The BBC article also says, "It says carmakers in the UK could break all time production records by 2017" Could? COULD? A typical salesman word like "Can" and "Might." It's not a "Will"


So now you're against us having a good export market, bringing money into the UK (where the tax is paid on the profit, even if some of the profit is then distributed to foreign shareholders).

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and before that too. I find it suspicious that the economy always appears to improve just before a General Election. I remember watching a TV programme too where the presenter said recessions generally hit at the end of the decade. How much weight can be put on these arguments I'm not sure, but I am sure governments and political parties use stats from iffy data collected and applied by quangos/watchdogs to try and persuade public opinion and it generally doesn't fit what I personally witness and experience.


As opposed to solid factual data like the economy halving last March? :hihi:


You are the last one to be talking about iffy data Mecky - come on let's have this link showing us where we lost 50% of GDP and never noticed?


---------- Post added 23-01-2014 at 14:54 ----------


I said it seems good on the face of it, or words to those effect, but dig a little deeper ... .


Value is added in the UK. That's money paid in wages to the workers that it funded from overseas sales. That's money that come in to the UK and is spent in the UK and has tax paid in the UK.


How is this bad, in any terms apart from Meckyland?

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Unemployment takes a sharp fall... down 167,000




Growth forecasts are up sharply... and the IMF eats a little humble pie.




Confidence is climbing.. and so is recruitment.




Never a mention of it on this forum though. Almost like people want it to be gloomy :)


It's simple.While they are on these employability courses,they are classed as employed and in work (unofficially).So figures look good,then they bump up the interest rate 0.5% and the Government think they have pulled another one over the public.


And hundreds more to start on Monday, at a new centre opening in city centre.That will be another 2-3% fall in unemployment.

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