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Islamist threaten anyone attending Sochi Winter Olympics

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natjack, you have probably put it more eloquently than I there and I completely agree with what you say. I have never denied the IRA were terrorists. What I do disagree with is stupid comments by people like Jason who make flippant comparisons without any understanding of the facts.


The IRA's approach was totally different to that of Islamic terrorists and anyone who tries to play down Islamic attacks by saying the IRA were the same are plain wrong. The two are not comparable.


It was the death of innocent people at the hands of the IRA that resulted in their eventual abandonment of violence primarily as a result of the public backlash to their actions. When the IRA killed innocent people, their own supporters turned against them.


When Islamic terrorists kill innocent civilians, their support grows.


Not to mention the IRA was soley against the UK although they did attack british interests on foreign soil. Nobody can say the same of islamic terrorists who are having a crack at everyone, even themselves in some respects

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Not to mention the IRA was soley against the UK although they did attack british interests on foreign soil. Nobody can say the same of islamic terrorists who are having a crack at everyone, even themselves in some respects


Very true, they seem to have a view that if you don't agree with me 100%, you're a target.

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