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Any Cosmetic Surgeons..

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Hi..i am interested in having a blepharoplasty(upper)under local anaesthetic..i have looked on numerous sites but its a minefield..im just wondeting as to how much this would cost..apparently its more if you have a general..any can anyone recommend a surgeon/private clinic..thankyou

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Hi..i am interested in having a blepharoplasty(upper)under local anaesthetic..i have looked on numerous sites but its a minefield..im just wondeting as to how much this would cost..apparently its more if you have a general..any can anyone recommend a surgeon/private clinic..thankyou


We have a family business in the medical trade and come across surgeons on a daily basis and it is amazing the huge range of skill and ability there is.....the problem being nobody wants to be operated on by the less skilled and able ones, as this can obviously have a permanent lifetime effect.


Blepharoplasty is carried out at Thornbury Hospital in Sheffield and I can highly recommend Mr David Lam as a surgeon......however you would have to speak to the consultant themselves regarding the types of anaesthetic, price etc as obviously only themselves would know that and the procedures they prefer.


I have recently had orthopaedic surgery at a BMI hospital myself and it was a fairly large hip operation and the results have been incredible and it's only 16 weeks since the procedure - I can personally recommend the aftercare, service, care provided whilst staying in hospital etc and if I needed another operation I would choose a BMI hospital without hesitation.


Hope this has been helpful.

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