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Glen Passes Away


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Glen, a former participant in the Fulwood Cottage Homes thread/s, passed away this morning aged 75. She was a former resident of FCH circa 1950-55and resided in Cottage #17 with Miss Barnett.


Some time ago Glen was diagnozed with bowel cancer and received chemo-therapy treatment and the cancer went into remission. Unfortunately it was a short-lived remedy and the cancer returned and spread elsewhere. Glen refused further chemo-therapy and resigned herself to her fate. It would appear that she was quite content to let nature takes its course and remained quite cheerful, even joking at times, up until the end. She died peacefully with her family at her bedside.


Why a new thread? Well, I made this announcement just a few moments ago on the tail end of a previous 'orphanages of Sheffield' thread that has now sunk to page 2. The announcement didn't bump up the thread as I expected it to. This is NOT a good system in cases such as this where one wishes an announcement to be seen by all.


Glen(da) was my sister and also the sister of Rex, known on the forum as 'bresail'. No one here knows of the whereabouts of Rex and so I'm hoping that he might log into the forum every now and again and spot this thread. It's a rather hit and miss way to learn of a sibling's passing but it's the only way I know at this time.

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Sorry for your loss SB. Hope you find your brother, or at least the sad news gets through to him.


Me too. Thanks.


---------- Post added 23-01-2014 at 02:34 ----------


It was remiss of me not to mention that Glen(da) resided on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia. I reside in Townsville, QLD which is about 1500ks from where Glen lived. I hadn't seen her since around 1996 though we did occasionally talk on the phone and send an occasional email. I received information re Glen's passing through my neice, Jane (Glen's daughter), and younger sister, Elaine.

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Hi Rod, Deeply saddened to hear your news. Ironside Rd, Parson Cross, Worksop, Balwyn, Templestowe, Croydon. So many Happy Memories. Rest Peacefully dearest Glenda. Ed, Jan & Family.


Nice tribute, Ed ...thanks. I guess you heard about Phil Everly ...?


I'll email you soon.





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Hi Rod, sorry to hear about your loss, hang in there old pal.


Thanks Skippy. I'm fine. As it is I hadn't seen Glenda since around 1996 (I was down in her neck of the woods with a friend for A Neil Diamond Concert) but I did occasionally talk to her on the phone. Just a few weeks ago, in fact, I spoke to her and she sounded fine even though she knew that her time was fast running out. It's just that that dreaded "C word" has claimed yet another victim. Why, in the year 2014, is there still no cure for these terminal diseases ...?


I hear that you're recovering from a problem that hospitalized you. How're you doing? I'm still A-Okay as far as I know and up until just recently was working part time. I'll be looking for another job shortly, just to keep the wolf from the door. I recently got finished with organizing Christmas music events here in Townsville as I do every year. The vocal team that I had with me this year were great and I hope to have at least some of them back on deck for later this year. There were 4 of them, three girls and one guy aged between 18-23, none of whom had any problems singing with someone who is a few (ahem) years older than they are.


Anyway, thanks again and take care of yourself!

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