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Man Charged with Baking Cat.

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I seriously doubt he killed it humanely.

To kill it humanely you'd need to put a bolt through it's brain to kill instantly so it does no suffer.


They found a bathtub full of blood and a large knife - you can make a decent guess at what he did.


The guy is clearly disturbed, proper slaughtering practise was probably the last thing on his mind.

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I seriously doubt he killed it humanely.

To kill it humanely you'd need to put a bolt through it's brain to kill instantly so it does no suffer.


They found a bathtub full of blood and a large knife - you can make a decent guess at what he did.


The guy is clearly disturbed, proper slaughtering practise was probably the last thing on his mind.



No you wouldn't. Putting a bolt through it's head is one way to slaughter an animal humanely, but not the only way.


The amount of blood is absolutely irrelevant, there amount of blood you get from a carcass does not differ depending on the way you kill the animal. The guess I make is that he stabbed or sliced the animal. If he slit the cat's throat cleanly, we are looking at a humane slaughter. If he cut off the cat's leg and waited for it to bleed to death, we are looking at an inhumane slaughter. There is no evidence to suggest which way this went.


This is no different to someone slaughtering a rabbit or a bird they caught in the wild. Just because you like an animal shouldn't really impact your moral view of someone who eats it. Some people might find chickens cute.

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I think in this country there are rules about what animals you can and cannot slaughter for food at home... I think you can slaughter chickens but not pigs for example. I would imagine slaughtering cats is not allowed...


Personally the idea of eating another animal that is a carnivore itself wierds me out, I wouldn't do it, doesn't seem to go with the food chain to me.

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They found a bathtub full of blood and a large knife - you can make a decent guess at what he did.QUOTE]


Fell on a knife while having a nice soak in the bath before enjoying a lovely Cat dinner and a side of potatoes ?

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I think in this country there are rules about what animals you can and cannot slaughter for food at home... I think you can slaughter chickens but not pigs for example. I would imagine slaughtering cats is not allowed...


Personally the idea of eating another animal that is a carnivore itself wierds me out, I wouldn't do it, doesn't seem to go with the food chain to me.


There are lots of carnivores in the wild that eat other carnivores. :confused:

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