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Justin Bieber smiling on his mugshot- what do you think ?

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I disagree, I think he needs an upgrade to reach halfwit.

Apparently …

… he taught himself to play several musical instruments before the age of 16, he's bilingual, he's got an estimated net worth of more than $150 million, he's only 19 and drives a Lamborghini, and has millions of adoring male and female fans all over the world. He's a minor philanthropist and supporter of educational and LGBT charities and organisations in both the US and his native Canada

No wonder people don't like him.

But I don't think he's any kind of halfwit. Do you, really?


He's behaving like any 19 year old multimillionaire with a taste for the high life, generating billions of shrieking column inches in the tabloids, for the greedy consumption by the professionally outraged.



I've never [knowingly] istened to any of his tunes, but good luck to him, I hope he makes it past 27.

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So Justin Bieber laughs in the face of "the law" in his mugshot........ do you think this is a good example to set for his millions of fans ( of which I am not one ) ?


I feel that he is setting a very dangerous precedent as a role model to his many fans , but also feel strangely sorry for him as a young man with unimagineable fame and wealth at such a young age - does he actually have anyone normal looking out for him ?? Would be interested to hear peoples' comments .


i have also started feeling sorry for him (and i can't stand the fella), everything he does is in the spotlight. i sense a britney style meltdown coming soon.

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