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The Phantom Heckler

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It is with great amusment (my own and several others) that I make this post.


A few moments ago a protest of students walking down West Street campaigning (in vain) about student fees.

Slogan cards displaying 'F**K FEES' could be seen and chanting of various descriptions could be heard.


However as I noticed this protest making it's way down West Street I felt it my sarcastic duty to run down to reception and make use of the building's megaphone.... just as the students were marching past my building.


"I like Cheese... enormous amounts of Cheese"


"Join the Cheese Eating Friends Society today"


My comments above brought some confused/baffled/strange looks to my fellow chanters as they made their way on to leapold street.


"Student fees are too low, stop complaining and get your hands in your pockets you tight... "(I didn't end that sentence)


Brought more baffled and amused looks from other chanters. It certainly threw the main megaphone chanters off their chanting a can tell ya.


Then one of the protesters blew his whistle a few times in an attempt to sway my heckling of the croud. This only promted me to retort.


"Yes you... the boy with the whistle... pay your tution fees and quit complaining... eat some cheese, life will become clearer"


Ah the joys of modern day work!

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