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Thoughts and Intents affects water

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Treat it gently and it will shine like a crystal. :)






Wow he's spotted the effects of hydrogen bonding and the water angle.... only a few scant decades after the first people to notice it..





Will it bite if I don't?


Water has memory.


When is the homeopathy psuedoscience going to make an appearance - I'll get the popcorn warmed up....

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All that proves is that water has lamentable taste in music and has a bit of an obsession with Lord of the Rings.


Apparently, if you play it some Village People it will try to throw itself out of the container.

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Take care in what you say.




This research from Dr Emoto that states water have memories have now opened a whole new perspective and scientific approaches on water. Lots of wonderful fascination.



-A water bridge ?

-Water holds the intent of the person ?

-Water as energy ?

-Austrian baker's experience that allows water to produce better bread.

-"Shaken not stirred" for Martini is a true concept !



The natural world is absolutely amazing.

Water is moody, and it has a memory.


I've got some magic beans I'm willing to swap for a cow or other high value items if you're interested?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I love these bonkers threads me.


They are not bonkers as it is a reality. Whether you use your words in a nicer way or an evil way. The vibration and the pronunciation of your words have an effect on nature itself. What Emoto demonstrated is simple basic phenomena. The youtube video shows at the ionic level that water actually have different "memories" locked within them, depending on how they have been treated in the past. That is why some of the experiment shows that "regenerated" water actually has a more powerful effect than the water that has been treated badly. Either polluted or otherwise. The "memory" is electrostatic charges at the very lowest molecular level.


His experiment is a very simple one. By talking to an object, your voice's vibration affect the actual material itself and therefore it changed.


I love the one which the scientist did as an experiment for their "before" and "after" effect of X-ray on his own saliva. :hihi:

Mindboggling ? Sure !

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I've got some magic beans I'm willing to swap for a cow or other high value items if you're interested?

Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

That's alright. My whole body shook and said "no". I think its the effect of the water in my body. :)

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