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Do we have the right to offend?

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Stephen Fry said it best when he said:


“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so f'ing what."


Sorry if this has already been posted.

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yes we have a right to offend, but you must take any repercushions like a man, dont want to do the time dont do the crime. i read yesterday in a paper about some twitter troll who with his "mates" wooed a woman who was horribly disfigured as a baby in a fire, all her face and body and hands etc

anyway for months he sweet talked her etc when it came down to it, he gave her abuse about how disgusting she looked and it was all a bet etc etc

all she was doing was getting on with her life best she can and out of the blue she gets a waste of human skin abusing and offending her

im sorry but thats just not on, i can think of lots of things id like to do to him

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yes we have a right to offend, but you must take any repercushions like a man, dont want to do the time dont do the crime


So if I offend a muslim extremist who then kills me, thats OK is it? The very fact a person is gay offends some people. Should homosexuals take the abuse and physical attacks "like a man" too?

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So if I offend a muslim extremist who then kills me, thats OK is it? The very fact a person is gay offends some people. Should homosexuals take the abuse and physical attacks "like a man" too?


The repercussions should be within the law of course, which would probably limit them to things being said back that offended you.


---------- Post added 25-01-2014 at 12:18 ----------


yes we have a right to offend, but you must take any repercushions like a man, dont want to do the time dont do the crime. i read yesterday in a paper about some twitter troll who with his "mates" wooed a woman who was horribly disfigured as a baby in a fire, all her face and body and hands etc

anyway for months he sweet talked her etc when it came down to it, he gave her abuse about how disgusting she looked and it was all a bet etc etc

all she was doing was getting on with her life best she can and out of the blue she gets a waste of human skin abusing and offending her

im sorry but thats just not on, i can think of lots of things id like to do to him


Don't you think that goes well beyond causing offence?

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So if I offend a muslim extremist who then kills me, thats OK is it? The very fact a person is gay offends some people. Should homosexuals take the abuse and physical attacks "like a man" too?

thats taking it to a different plane of thought tbh, what i meant was deliberetly setting out to cause offence

the examples you have given are people taking being offended to the extreme rather than somebody being particularly offensive

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So if I offend a muslim extremist who then kills me, thats OK is it? The very fact a person is gay offends some people. Should homosexuals take the abuse and physical attacks "like a man" too?
Thats not being offended though is it? A physical attack is not causing offence. If I smash you in the face with a brick I can't follow it up with "no offence" and expect you to laugh it off.
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No but apparently it is becoming policy for WUMs to regularly start stupid threads. :D


Personally I'm all for free speech. ' I disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.' Voltaire.


But that's different to 'do we have the right to offend?' Isn't it?


Free speech is the right to voice an opinion on any subject, and is an essential part of any society which wishes to regard itself as a free Democracy.


Stating your opposing view to someone else's opinion should not give offence. Providing that you use reasoned argument and do not introduce personal insults into the discussion.


The 'right to offend' could also be expressed as 'do we have the right to be ill mannered and obnoxious.'


My opinion is that providing you are prepared to accept the consequences of behaving in that manner there is little to stop you.


It isn't a 'right' though. Where you have a 'right' to do something there should be no consequences involved, either under the law or by direct personal action.


So would you introduce a law to stop people being ill mannered and obnoxious.


---------- Post added 25-01-2014 at 12:51 ----------


Are you suggesting that's offensive? It's a very slightly humorous way of viewing a short phrase in a wider perspective. You could try a lot harder when it comes to the holocaust, surely.


A lot of people would find that Jimmy Carr joke deeply offensive,


---------- Post added 25-01-2014 at 12:53 ----------


Sounds to me as if he's whining himself if he finds it offensive that someone is offended.

If he can't take it then don't dish it out.


He's having a go at people who think that there is a bill someone called "the rights of the offended" which is instantly enacted the second someone is offended. Nobody has a right to not be offended.


---------- Post added 25-01-2014 at 12:59 ----------


To put it simiply I beleive that we all have a right to offend but we have a responsibility not to if we can avoid it.

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