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Do we have the right to offend?

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So have to cater to the everyone's sensibilities no matter how barmy they are.


Arguing, as you are, that not having an absolute right to offend under any circumstances means you must never offend anyone under any circumstances is creating a false dichotomy. The first does not require the second.


You could quite easily have an argument that you should not be allowed to offend someone by saying "I'm glad your baby died of cot death." whilst being quite happy for you to offend someone by saying "I don't like your jumper.".

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No, that isn't what I said. What I said is that borders are crossed more easily than people realise. Let me give you an example, my brother made a joke involving mentally handicapped people with me and my wife at the table. Not a good idea as my wife's daughter is mentally handicapped, it nearly wrecked the relation between me and my brother.


That story doesn't have much relevance on whether we have a right to offend or not. For example if i was at a bus surrounded with people do i or do i not have the right to say what i want even if some were offended.

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Unfortunately someone saying "you have the right to offend" is usually interpreted by the dim witted that it gives them the right to be as bigoted and obnoxious as possible.

Freedom of speech has to coexist with other rights and responsibilities.

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So what do you think happens then?


Nothing happens when you offend someone. Its not like they get offended and their kidneys stop working. Its how they choose to react that makes the difference.


People are too damn sensitive they believe they have the right to not be offended and they don't. Everyone should be offended every day its good for you. You are not a special little snowflake with perfect absolute rights to be treated like gold by everyone. Nobody owes you a thing. If your feelings are hurt, so what? They'll recover. Suck it up buttercup and get on with your day. Stop your pitiful whining about being offended and move on. Everyone has too much to do without treading on eggshells round everyone else.


That said thats not to say you should deliberately antogonise people and go out of your way to upset them. But if its an accident then so what?

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Arguing, as you are, that not having an absolute right to offend under any circumstances means you must never offend anyone under any circumstances is creating a false dichotomy. The first does not require the second.


You could quite easily have an argument that you should not be allowed to offend someone by saying "I'm glad your baby died of cot death." whilst being quite happy for you to offend someone by saying "I don't like your jumper.".


So if i have an argument with a bible believing Christian do i have the right to offend them by saying their beliefs are bull excrement.

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So who defines what i can and can't say?


Well, you can be prosecuted for saying things that are illegal. So technically you can say them, but you don't have a right to say them without consequences.


For the stuff that isn't illegal but is offensive, you might just get criticisised instead of prosecuted.

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That story doesn't have much relevance on whether we have a right to offend or not. For example if i was at a bus surrounded with people do i or do i not have the right to say what i want even if some were offended.


I believe there are legal constraints on what you can say in a public place.

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“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so what."


- Stephen Fry.

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Unfortunately someone saying "you have the right to offend" is usually interpreted by the dim witted that it gives them the right to be as bigoted and obnoxious as possible.

Freedom of speech has to coexist with other rights and responsibilities.


Absolutely right. I have a responsibility to use my right of free speech in a moderate manner but if i choose not to i shouldn't face any consequences.


---------- Post added 24-01-2014 at 21:10 ----------




Nothing happens when you offend someone. Its not like they get offended and their kidneys stop working. Its how they choose to react that makes the difference.


People are too damn sensitive they believe they have the right to not be offended and they don't. Everyone should be offended every day its good for you. You are not a special little snowflake with perfect absolute rights to be treated like gold by everyone. Nobody owes you a thing. If your feelings are hurt, so what? They'll recover. Suck it up buttercup and get on with your day. Stop your pitiful whining about being offended and move on. Everyone has too much to do without treading on eggshells round everyone else.


That said thats not to say you should deliberately antogonise people and go out of your way to upset them. But if its an accident then so what?



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