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Do we have the right to offend?

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'Every man has a right to utter what he believes to be truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it. Martyrdom is the test.'


Samuel Johnson.


That's it basically, say it if you believe it to be true and you are prepared to accept the consequences.

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That story doesn't have much relevance on whether we have a right to offend or not. For example if i was at a bus surrounded with people do i or do i not have the right to say what i want even if some were offended.


No what you mean is, that it doesn't have a lot of relevance with the discussion that you are trying to provoke, which is different.


Let me put this in your frame (as you are clearly on the warpath) if you offended me on the basis that I am a different race, sexuality or something else equally divisive, I would choose between ignoring you, offending you back, finding out who you are and threaten you or suing you (and possibly sheffieldforum.co.uk for allowing me to be offended by you) depending on the severity of the case and the amount of alcohol I consumed.

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So if i have an argument with a bible believing Christian do i have the right to offend them by saying their beliefs are bull excrement.


Personally, I'd say so. People don't have an absolute right to not be offended any more than they have an absolute right to offend.

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Absolutely right. I have a responsibility to use my right of free speech in a moderate manner but if i choose not to i shouldn't face any consequences.


Well if you were to go to Weston Park hospital and laugh at those with terminal cancer, and not expect any consequences for that boorish and outrageous behaviour, how would young people learn what's appropriate and what isn't. I'm sure that Sheffield Forum would be full of posters complaining about the behaviour of others.

In society we all have to rub along together somehow. By not facing the consequences of our actions, and our wider responsibilities to each other means that we all lose.

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Nothing happens when you offend someone. Its not like they get offended and their kidneys stop working. Its how they choose to react that makes the difference.


People are too damn sensitive they believe they have the right to not be offended and they don't. Everyone should be offended every day its good for you. You are not a special little snowflake with perfect absolute rights to be treated like gold by everyone. Nobody owes you a thing. If your feelings are hurt, so what? They'll recover. Suck it up buttercup and get on with your day. Stop your pitiful whining about being offended and move on. Everyone has too much to do without treading on eggshells round everyone else.


That said thats not to say you should deliberately antogonise people and go out of your way to upset them. But if its an accident then so what?


You come and tell me in my face that I am a [random but very accurate insult], for no other reason than that you want to offend me, I will be offended and get my retribution in one way or another.


Fairly sure that applies to you as well.

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You come and tell me in my face that I am a [random but very accurate insult], for no other reason than that you want to offend me, I will be offended and get my retribution in one way or another.


Fairly sure that applies to you as well.

Did you not read the last bit or are you choosing to ignore it?
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No what you mean is, that it doesn't have a lot of relevance with the discussion that you are trying to provoke, which is different.


Let me put this in your frame (as you are clearly on the warpath) if you offended me on the basis that I am a different race, sexuality or something else equally divisive, I would choose between ignoring you, offending you back, finding out who you are and threaten you or suing you (and possibly sheffieldforum.co.uk for allowing me to be offended by you) depending on the severity of the case and the amount of alcohol I consumed.


I don't disagree with what you say there. I'm not saying that we should all have to sit by while we get offended and that we have no right to respond. What i'm saying is that i do have a right to free speech and that means i can say what i want. If you want to have an argument with me as a result. Fine. But i do object when people believe they have a right to never be offended.

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I don't disagree with what you say there. I'm not saying that we should all have to sit by while we get offended and that we have no right to respond. What i'm saying is that i do have a right to free speech and that means i can say what i want. If you want to have an argument with me as a result. Fine. But i do object when people believe they have a right to never be offended.


I don't think I've ever come across such a person, have you?

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