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Fixed penalty notice for term time holidays

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The school stays open more of the time with fewer holidays, most set by the school, but leaving at least two weeks flexible that can be taken at a time to suit the family.


So you're suggesting that teachers somehow teach the majority of kids whatever the lesson is for the day, but also at the same time teach several other kids, several different bits of the syllabus, because they missed different two week periods of the term...


It doesn't sound remotely practical or sensible.


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 11:11 ----------


Yes I have evidence, children used to take time off school and catch up, children and adult take and pass exams without teachers. You clearly think teachers are required to facilitate learning, I don't, we will just have to agree to disagree. A desire to learn and enjoyment of the subject are far more important than the teach.


I don't think anyone has claimed that teachers are required for children to learn.


I'm pretty sure we can prove that they improve the rate of learning for the vast majority of children though.


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 11:12 ----------


Instead of fining parents the Government should crack down on holiday companies who think its ok to rip off parents during school holidays. If these companies wernt allowed to double / treble their prices in the school holidays no one would take their kids out in term time.


So you're voting for a communist state then?


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 11:14 ----------


You have implied more than once that I am stupid, I have a different opinion to the one you hold, and having a different opinion doesn't make someone stupid.


You realise that calling an idea stupid is not the same as calling a person stupid?


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 11:16 ----------


You really don't get it do you, you think you have showed me that I am wrong, I don't agree, I have showed you that you are wrong, you don't agree, all that is left is to agree to disagree, but all you could do is insult my intelligence by claiming I don't know the meaning or words and I can't type a coherent sentence.


You've just done the same to another member, their post made perfect sense yet you claimed it didn't, it seams it is you with the problem.


You haven't demonstrated anything though. Firstly you claimed that teachers need to be in school longer to re-teach children who have missed lessons (ignoring the practical difficulties of teaching different things at the same time to different students in a class). And then you claimed that teachers aren't actually necessary at all (which makes you wonder why you believe the schooling system exists at all).


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 11:19 ----------


Or maybe those that earn good money.


If only money were important then it would be that easy!

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I don't want to spend my 'holiday' with three other families slumming it in a tent thank you very much,




That is not what I suggested at all. Read what people put and do not misrepresent my suggestions, please.


BTW camping does not have to be 'slumming it' and nobody has a god-given right to a foreign holiday if they cannot afford it at a time they can take it.

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I cannot think of an easy solution to your employer's policy though - it sounds pants. What the govt should do is legislate to ensure workers with school age children should be able to to take 14 days off in school holiday time, even if that means closing for 2 weeks. If education was as important as they say it is, they would do it.


If you wanted to increase hidden discrimination against adults with children in the job market then that would be the way to encourage it!


There's some really, really, terrible ideas being thrown around in this thread!


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 11:25 ----------


Are you two so busy trying to score points off each other that you can't read sense?

My son is in an occupation where he is unable to take take a holiday when the schools are on holiday.


With me so far?

You realise that this wasn't what you said before, right?


Therefore he will have to take his child out of school during term time to go on holiday.


Got it?


Ipso facto he will have to pay the penalty for taking his child out of school during term time.


I'm sure my grammar wasn't that bad that people were unable to understand it.


If you don't mind, what occupation is it that never allows holiday time during school holidays?

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Are you two so busy trying to score points off each other that you can't read sense?
Go back to your original post (#54) and you will see that it made no sense at all in the context of this discussion, since what you said was (presumably?) the exact opposite of what you meant.


My son is in an occupation where he is unable to take take a holiday when the schools are on holiday.
That is not what you said in your original post. You said he was unable to take a holiday in term time.


With me so far?
No, sadly,your explanation fell at the first fence because you have not bothered to check what you actually told us.


Therefore he will have to take his child out of school during term time to go on holiday.


Got it?

That would only have made sense if your first statement had made sense, which it didn't.


I'm sure my grammar wasn't that bad that people were unable to understand it.

It was nothing to do with your grammar, but your choice of vocabulary. If, in a debate about teachers generally, I said 'Teachers in this country are hardworking and deserve a pay cut', would you think I meant:

(i) Most teachers are lazy and deserve a pay cut, or

(ii) Most teachers are hardworking and deserve a pay rise, or

(iii) you wouldn't have a clue what I meant because my original statement made no sense?


We are not mind readers - you need to check what you write before you post it!

Edited by aliceBB
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It states on the link that the school head teacher can give permission, my children dont miss a day but every year iv put a holiday form in to head teacher & never been turned down, its been excepted, with any luck I will get permission this year if it still works on atendance.

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It states on the link that the school head teacher can give permission, my children dont miss a day but every year iv put a holiday form in to head teacher & never been turned down, its been excepted, with any luck I will get permission this year if it still works on atendance.


I think legislation is afoot to make it much harder for Heads to justify giving such permission. Hence the discussion about fines, etc.


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 14:14 ----------


If you wanted to increase hidden discrimination against adults with children in the job market then that would be the way to encourage it!


There's some really, really, terrible ideas being thrown around in this thread!


Hmmm. Hadn't thought of the hidden discrimination..and thinking about it again, I see what you mean. Plus, I do think that if people choose to have kids and both of them work, they should be aware that they'll need to make plans for what happens in the school hols.


Also, in most workplaces, I should imagine that the ones with kids usually want time off in school holidays and those without, during term time, so I can't see it being insurmountable in most environments. The problem arises when a majority have school-age kids. Even then I bet it is possible for those families to have a fortnight off in school hols every alternate year, if not every year.


Perhaps some canny, forward-thinking employers will be offering to pay the fines on behalf of their employers in order to keep the wheels of industry turning...:rolleyes:


But as I said before, you can't have everything you want all the time.

Edited by aliceBB
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Perhaps some canny, forward-thinking employers will be offering to pay the fines on behalf of their employers in order to keep the wheels of industry turning...:rolleyes:



Wouldnt that be unethical, breaking this rule ;)


Schools and local authoritie will have very little inclination or powers to find out if people are really ill or have genuine need of term time holidays. So this new rule against term time holidays just rewards the dishonest. Do you tell the truth, or just put a sick note in.

Its a bad, political rule, Gove should be ashamed of himself.

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I think it best if we just agree to disagree, because you appear unable to discuss the subject without insinuating that I am stupid.


Agreed. Alice, there's absolutely no need to be so aggressive when discussing!


Let's all just try and get along. I think the fines are ridiculous and unfair, my parents took me away for the first two weeks of school term because they couldn't get holidays any other time.


It absolutely crippled me and I really didn't recover, but I don't think punishing my parents with a fine is the way forward.

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