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Fixed penalty notice for term time holidays

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I would be happy to pay a fine as its cheaper than the extortionate rates that holiday companies charge in school holiday time.


Gove should be targeting companies that do this rather than victimising people for wanting a well deserved holiday with their families.

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So why arent schools prosecuted when taking training days in term time. It should work both ways


Training days are part of the deal.

Shame that it is hard for parents to understand but their move from summer into "term-time" was a result of parental ignorance.


Prosecuting a school for closing due to "weather" when the majority of their kids are able to get in ... now that is something I can agree with.

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I dont agree, an experience of going on an airoplane and all that goes with it must be a valuable thing. She is also learning spanish, and going to Spain. She is 13.


I agree in that there's no reason why her education should stop when she's on holiday, there's loads pf practical and environmental education to be had if it's treated like an extended field trip. But, particularly at secondary school, there are certain times when to be missing for two weeks means missing a vital stage in a programme of work. And it can be difficult if not impossible to catch up.


A lot of parents don't see it that way, and I can understand why when it's the only time of year they can get away together. But I think they have to understand and respect the school's decision.

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Its exploitation, people are forced (and now fined) into a narrow window of opportunity for holidays and have to pay treble the cost, totally and utterly wrong.


Is it impossible to accept that the converse could be the case.


It is not "treble the cost". It is the "real cost" and then most of the holiday businesses offer major discounts to attract customers when trade is slack.

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Is it impossible to accept that the converse could be the case.


It is not "treble the cost". It is the "real cost" and then most of the holiday businesses offer major discounts to attract customers when trade is slack.


Accept what you like mate, I think most people know which is the case.

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