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Fixed penalty notice for term time holidays

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Those with good qualifications who go on to earn good money.


So societies winner are the one's that earn the most money, I would think its the people that enjoy an happy life.


But I'm sure Richard Branson one of societies winners didn't do at all well at school, in fact I think he hated school.

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That would make you one of societies looser, since your argument isn't convincing or supported by valid reasons.


Perhaps other forum members will be the judge of that; I've getting bored of trying to discuss anything with you. At least I gave you some practical, detailed reasons as to why your idea was unworkable. You have failed fairly spectacularly even to acknowledge, let alone to take issue with any of those reasons; all you've done is keep repeating like a stuck record that in your memory, kids 'used to catch up, in the old days'.


I'd be interested to know whether anyone else agrees with you that

(a) teachers should work for longer, but are unnecessary to children's learning

(b) your plan is workable and how


Reasoned arguments in favour of (a) and (b) welcome - bring 'em on!

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Perhaps other forum members will be the judge of that. At least I gave you some practical, detailed reasons as to why your idea was unworkable. You have failed fairly spectacularly to take issue with any of those reasons, 'all you've done is keep protesting that in your memory, kids 'used to catch up, in the old days'.


I'd be interested to know whether anyone else agrees with you that

(a) teachers should work for longer, but are unnecessary to children's learning

(b) your plan is workable and how


Reasoned arguments in favour of (a) and (b) welcome - bring 'em on!


I'm confidant that some will agree with you and some will disagree with you, but I imagine for you, only the ones that agree are the ones that matter.


I gave you reasons why children can catch up and how I know this to be a fact, you disagree and that is your prerogative which is why we should just agree to disagree.

Edited by ivanava
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Its clear from the entire sentence that monkey104 made a mistake when they typed termtime. If you can't see that then I can't help you.


No, I'm sorry, that's hogwash. If someone makes a typing error in a word which does not substantively change the meaning of their post, it's not a problem. In this case the choice of main lexical item renders the whole sentence nonsensical, as I expect monkey104 will agree. If he'd like to clarify what he meant, that would be helpful. In the meantime, stop pretending to be a clairvoyant!


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 00:30 ----------



I gave you reasons why children can catch up and how I know this to be a fact, .


Please remind us of the number(s) of your posts in which you did that?


I cannot find any reasons or any facts, just unsupported assertions like 'they used to pass the exam', which I have demonstrated is not a valid reason, still less an explanation of how they (allegedly) caught up.


Anyway, let's let others have their say.

Edited by aliceBB
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Here is my problem with the whole situation.


Firstly, my husband works six days a week and I work 12 hr shifts (days and nights).

The company I work for employs over 100 people in my department, over 2/3rds of them are women with children.

We have a strict holiday policy around how many people can be off at any one time and so it is physically impossible for everyone, who wants/needs them, to get time off in the holidays.


We get very little time together as a family as it is and, whilst I understand that it is not a given right to have a holiday, I think it is unfair to begrudge families precious time together.


I have today been searching to try and get us a break during the holidays.

We have 3 children and although we work hard, do not have a lot of cash to throw around.


I looked at spain. Two weeks self catering in august, total price £3400!!


Same holiday 2 weeks before...... £2075.


I looked at going in this country.


A week at centre parks.... £1099. Out of school hols.... £379.


A cottage in devon.... £875 p/w.... out of hols £400.


I have friends with children who do not have a choice in when thry take their holidays, they are allocated/worked into their shift patterns.

Again, how do they get time for quality 'family time'?


I understand that children should not miss out on schooling but I honestly fail to see how two weeks a year out of the classroom will be detrimental. I think it should only be enforced during exam years.


What really makes me angry is that I have seen the 'exceptions' list of when holidays can be granted and suprise surprise religious festivals is on the list. ...

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I took a month out of school to go on holiday to New Zealand. As I was already top in the class for most things it wasn't a problem. Because I was missing out on important maths concepts such as fractions my Mum engaged one of our maths teachers on a private basis to help me catch up when I got back.


Result - passed all my exams and went to Uni.


Some people seem a bit too precious about schooling. For a lot of people it involves being bullied, harassed, ignored, beaten up etc etc......school is something a lot of kids have to endure and the whole ethos of schools nowadays seems to be passing exams.


Children are different. Schools are increasingly like production lines.


Guess who the Oxford or Cambridge admissions bod would rather have, someone who'd been through the system, had a 100% attendance and passed loads of exams, or the well rounded, well traveled individual who could talk about his experiences in NZ or Patagonia

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@dizzybird 77 : Go camping in the UK? I heard of a good arrangement once where four families got together and bought a decent family-sized tent and all the equipment needed and a small camping trailer to tow it in. The six families all had a towbar put on their car if they didn't already have one. It cost them about £150 each plus towbar in the first year, then just campsite fees and petrol costs thereafter each year.


They each had use of the stuff for two weeks each per year during the school hols, a bit like a timeshare. They went all over - Cornwall, Devon, Scotland, Lake District, the Yorkshire coast., Northumberland (to name but a few).


It costs between £10 and £25 per night or a family to camp in a decent site in the UK, a bit more if you want all the extras like wave pools, clubs, etc. Kids love it. It's a myth that kids need holidays abroad the in searing heat. They don't.


I cannot think of an easy solution to your employer's policy though - it sounds pants. What the govt should do is legislate to ensure workers with school age children should be able to to take 14 days off in school holiday time, even if that means closing for 2 weeks. If education was as important as they say it is, they would do it.

Edited by aliceBB
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@dizzybird 77 : Go camping in the UK? I heard of a good arrangement once where four families got together and bought a decent family-sized tent and all the equipment needed and a small camping trailer to tow it in. The six families all had a towbar put on their car if they didn't already have one. It cost them about £150 each plus towbar in the first year, then just campsite fees and petrol costs thereafter each year.


They each had use of the stuff for two weeks each per year during the school hols, a bit like a timeshare. They went all over - Cornwall, Devon, Scotland, Lake District, the Yorkshire coast., Northumberland (to name but a few).


It costs between £10 and £25 per night or a family to camp in a decent site in the UK, a bit more if you want all the extras like wave pools, clubs, etc. Kids love it. It's a myth that kids need holidays abroad the in searing heat. They don't.


I cannot think of an easy solution to your employer's policy though - it sounds pants. What the govt should do is legislate to ensure workers with school age children should be able to to take 14 days off in school holiday time, even if that means closing for 2 weeks. If education was as important as they say it is, they would do it.


But I'm not prepared to fork out for two weeks closure on what could be a peak time for businesses? . I'll just do my level best not to take people on who have school age children. Problem solved.

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@dizzybird 77 : Go camping in the UK? I heard of a good arrangement once where four families got together and bought a decent family-sized tent and all the equipment needed and a small camping trailer to tow it in. The six families all had a towbar put on their car if they didn't already have one. It cost them about £150 each plus towbar in the first year, then just campsite fees and petrol costs thereafter each year.


They each had use of the stuff for two weeks each per year during the school hols, a bit like a timeshare. They went all over - Cornwall, Devon, Scotland, Lake District, the Yorkshire coast., Northumberland (to name but a few).


It costs between £10 and £25 per night or a family to camp in a decent site in the UK, a bit more if you want all the extras like wave pools, clubs, etc. Kids love it. It's a myth that kids need holidays abroad the in searing heat. They don't.


I cannot think of an easy solution to your employer's policy though - it sounds pants. What the govt should do is legislate to ensure workers with school age children should be able to to take 14 days off in school holiday time, even if that means closing for 2 weeks. If education was as important as they say it is, they would do it.


Are you a teacher or something,you are in the minority here thank god,stop defending the indefensible.

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