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Guess who is now highest ranking in all forces.

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One of the problems that I have with it is this, the armed forces, police and judiciary in this country swear an oath of allegiance to the crown.


To me this is both wrong and potentially dangerous. The oath sworn by these people should be to the country.


All of these institutions are paid for by us, the tax payer, but their loyalty is to the crown, another institution payed for by the taxpayer.


The situation which we now have is that the supreme commander of all the Queens horses and all the Queens men is next in line to the throne and all of the people under his control have sworn an oath of allegiance to him.


The ironic part of all of this is Prince Charles personal attitude to sworn oaths.


This is after all the man who stood in front of the country and swore to 'Forsake all others as long as we both shall live.'

Whilst his mistress and now present wife looked on.


Not really a man of honour is he?


Agree with you about Parliament, and that's also part of the potential problem.

In the event that the political incompetence displayed over the last few years were to worsen then there could arise a situation where martial law comes into play.


Chief Constables have already requested water cannons as they anticipate a summer of unrest.


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 20:02 ----------



Thank you for that reply and I hope that I didn't offend you by my comments regarding your terminology.

Whilst I found it a bit unusual it was understandable and therefore no real problem. My problem has always been Maths so I have no trouble sympathising. :)


My comments about 'balls' may have been a trifle crude but I really do have difficulty understanding people who are prepared to accept that another person is in some intrinsic way 'better' than them, simply because they were born into a particular family.


This puzzlement is increased by knowing how royalty came into their privileges.

They inherited it from their ancestors who obtained it in the first place by theft.

That is how people became Kings and Emperors, God did not come down and appoint them, they appointed themselves by force of arms and theft.


Being a royalist is basically approving of the inheritance of ill gotten gains.


And I have to say I really am this argumentative in real life! :)


No problem! I should have said something about Diana too, but what can you say about that? Not much really, only that she wasn't really the Apple in the family's eye, but sad nonetheless.

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They was probably awarded by foreign dignitaries during trips abroad or perhaps for number of polo games he won :hihi:


You wouldnt want him commanding any military operation either


I dont like the guy much. He cynically and callously used Diana


Agreed, he, and even more so his brother Andrew, are as good an argument against inherited titles and privilege as your likely to get.


---------- Post added 27-01-2014 at 22:02 ----------


No problem! I should have said something about Diana too, but what can you say about that? Not much really, only that she wasn't really the Apple in the family's eye, but sad nonetheless.


Yes agreed, whilst I have no time for royalty on principle I don't really wish them any personal harm, it's all about accidents of birth.


My wife and I were in Ireland visiting my family when she died. My response, and that of all the Irish friends and relations that I spoke to was one of sadness that a young woman with two young children had died tragically.


Despite the fact that I and my Irish family and friends are republicans we all saw it from that viewpoint.


A young woman had died and two children had lost their mother.

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Agreed, he, and even more so his brother Andrew, are as good an argument against inherited titles and privilege as your likely to get.


---------- Post added 27-01-2014 at 22:02 ----------



Yes agreed, whilst I have no time for royalty on principle I don't really wish them any personal harm, it's all about accidents of birth.


My wife and I were in Ireland visiting my family when she died. My response, and that of all the Irish friends and relations that I spoke to was one of sadness that a young woman with two young children had died tragically.


Despite the fact that I and my Irish family and friends are republicans we all saw it from that viewpoint.


A young woman had died and two children had lost their mother.


And that is how it should be. I agree that nobody should feel obligated to like royals, but to some they are acceptable. Almost:suspect:

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So the story goes. What is true, at least according to Diana, is that when she confronted him with the Camilla situation he said 'You wouldn't want me to be the first Prince of Wales in history not to have a mistress would you?'


Guys a regular charmer. :)


Why have steak when you can have hamburger, eh charles? :roll:


If you're gonna risk everything to have an affair then you go for somebody younger and better looking (Camilla was neither).


Diana was one of the most beautiful women in the world, but Camilla looks like a horse :gag:

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Why have steak when you can have hamburger, eh charles? :roll:


If you're gonna risk everything to have an affair then you go for somebody younger and better looking (Camilla was neither).


Diana was one of the most beautiful women in the world, but Camilla looks like a horse :gag:


Have to admit that always amused me too. Must be one of the few, if not only instance of a mult-millionaire exchanging a trophy wife for an older plainer version.


Can't help but assume that Diana was all about breeding heirs to continue the privileges.


Somewhat calculating and cold hearted, but if you look at some of the people the royals are descended from, not that surprising.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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