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BBC article on the cost or benefit of immigration

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it is true that some immigrants make a superb contribution and we need to hang on to them and encourage others like them to come here. However, the rest need to be turned away at our boarders and those already here encouraged to go back.


buddy, the last time I looked the UK was supposed to be a capitalist country, which means that everybody is supposed to have a chance to make it.


plenty of the 'deserving immigrants', millionaires now, you are gushing about, arrived with only a tenner in their pockets, and made their money, totally, in the UK.


are you going to be the Doctor Mengele at the border control, or shall I?

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“Investor visas”, which enable those with at least £1 million to invest in the UK and remain in the country for three years are a great idea. It encourages rich foreigners to settle and spend their money here. It might push up the price of top London property, but that hardly affects the majority of Brits.

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More or Less is my favourite BBC programme, and I thought the programme tried to tackle the question quite well with the limited data available. Although the conclusion itself was quite inconclusive, it must be remembered that the question itself was quite simplistic, only comparing contributions to the public purse with benefits taken from it.


This does not take into account extra services being provided for the increased population, or the benefits paid to others because of jobs taken by immigrants.


I very much doubt that a proper analysis of total contributions and costs, over the total lifetime of immigration, could show a net benefit even in monetary terms.


It goes beyond that though, and this is one thing that I agree with something Farage said recently.


"Even if I thought, which I don't, there was an economic benefit to mass immigration some things are more important than money, namely the shape of our society and giving our own youngsters a chance to work."


Do we really imagine that the UK with 100 million people in it is going to be a happier place?


I don't, and I'm an immigrant btw.

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It goes beyond that though, and this is one thing that I agree with something Farage said recently.


"Even if I thought, which I don't, there was an economic benefit to mass immigration some things are more important than money, namely the shape of our society and giving our own youngsters a chance to work."


Do we really imagine that the UK with 100 million people in it is going to be a happier place?


I don't, and I'm an immigrant btw.


Me too; one thing that I believe is that people must, overall, make a posative contribution, if people are already educated(adults), then the costs involved in education have already been taken care of. So adults should make a posative contribution, in monetary terms.

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"Even if I thought, which I don't, there was an economic benefit to mass immigration some things are more important than money, namely the shape of our society and giving our own youngsters a chance to work."


Do we really imagine that the UK with 100 million people in it is going to be a happier place?



‘After 11 years of formal education, employers say they get kids coming to them who can’t write, who can’t communicate, and who don’t have that work ethic,’ he said.




This is what UK Business told Ian Duncan Smith when he asked them to give UK Youth a fair crack of the whip when it came to jobs over immigrants.

What would Nigel Farage do to force British Business to employ British Youth over immigrants?........what would he do to get British Youth to take any job offered to get them off benefits?

Given that Farage has said that he welcomes immigrants that add something to the country,UK business has said in this piece to Duncan Smith that immigrants do indeed add something to the country,including literacy and a work ethic to name 2 things that British Youth largely do not have,so what would Farage say to British Business saying this?

What would he also say to British Business about his 'shape of British Society' when British Business are telling him,like they told Duncan Smith,that British education is turning out British Youth not fit for the purpose of employment?.......what does Farage intend to do about the education of British Youth that shapes this British Society?..........one which is not fit for purpose in making British Youth a more employable prospect than people from thousands of miles away,speaking English as a second language,living away from home,living in a foreign culture?.........how could it be a more leveller playing field for British Youth to find a job in the UK over foreigners with overwhelming advantages like that?

Maybe Farage should start addressing the root causes 'shaping his society' by making British Youth an unattractive employment proposition when put up against foreigners,which is an education system turning out unemployable people,not foreigners taking jobs of British people,or is Farage happy to have British Business staffed by people who are not fit for purpose and so making those businesses uncompetitive against those who have got the correctly educated people in the positions they want and so operate successfully,giving good customer service and value for money.

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More or Less is my favourite BBC programme, and I thought the programme tried to tackle the question quite well with the limited data available. Although the conclusion itself was quite inconclusive, it must be remembered that the question itself was quite simplistic, only comparing contributions to the public purse with benefits taken from it.


What BBC programme? I don't understand.

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What BBC programme? I don't understand.


More or Less. The first three words in the article you linked to. It's a BBC programme (my favourite one) that the article was based on. Friday's at 4:30, and repeated Sunday evening. The article that you linked to even informs you how to download the podcast. I recommend you do, it's very interesting.

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The thing is we as the general public have had no say in this or being a apart of the eu at all... no democracy here.



Yes you have,you chose to vote for mass immigration everytime you vote liebour tory or lib dem,you cant have it both ways,you gave your consent to mass immigration by voting the people into power who are all in favour of it.

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If someone comes with empty pockets and works,then sends home much of his expendable earnings and uses all the free services, how does that benefit us?


---------- Post added 26-01-2014 at 23:35 ----------


i dont need a calculator to work it out.


but i might for how much someone not working here because of it costs because the jobs not available or its no a liveable amount.

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