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Is there such a location as 'benefit street' in all towns and cities?

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Yes, but we go one better in Sheffield and have entire districts.


You go first.....



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


The whole east side of the city? From Parson Cross in the north through to Jordanthrope in the south.


Just look for the red and orange areas on this map:https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/sheffield-profile/deprivation-statistics.html

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The whole east side of the city? From Parson Cross in the north through to Jordanthrope in the south.


Just look for the red and orange areas on this map:https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/sheffield-profile/deprivation-statistics.html


crikey not much left , nearly all of Sheffield

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I'm not sure you'll find one in the shires, or Surbiton, that's why Cameron has never met a real poor person who wasn't a servant...


But I would imagine every town in the North has one and a few more to spare.


This is the problem and why there is a north south divide. Newsflash - the streets south of the Watford gap are NOT paved with gold. There are suburbs and indeed whole towns that would truly benefit from a nuclear bomb dropping on them and there are some truly nice areas oop north.

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