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50p Tax band for high earners - good idea or not?

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Ok Ron. There are millions of people who earn the minimum wage but have to claim child tax credit, working tax credit, housing benefit because they don't earn enough to live. The money paid to them is by far a higher proportion of the welfare bill than people signing on or on the sick.


So pay them a living wage then they don't need to claim anything from the state at all. Yes I appreciate they have shareholders who want their profit but if we're all meant to be in it together (I doubt it!) then until that happy day arrives (I won't be holding my breath) then you earn a high wage then you should pay more tax.


OK so you are a successful business man through your hard work and entrepreneurial skills you have built a good business up you make yourself a good few quid, is it fair that you have to hand half of it over to the tax man its does not give any intensive to any business man,you should be able to enjoy your hard work buying a nice house a nice car making sure your family are OK.I think you should pay your dues and demands but over half to the tax man,don't forget all the other taxes they get out of business people,some of the business I've run in the past by the time I've finished paying every thing out I used to wander why I bothered in the first place..

Exactly. High taxes stifle entrepreneurs business and stop them employing people. They are counterproductive after a certain point.

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Easy enough.


If firms pay all of their employees enough to make sure that they don't need taxpayer help, then what they pay their executives is nobody else's business.


And, given those conditions, 40% is enough tax for anyone to pay.


I wouldn't mind everybody paying 30% tax, as long as everybody paid it. That means the rich not employing tricksy accountants and having offshore accounts etc. to avoid paying it.


But even if that was the case, they would still find ways not to pay it, they simply can never have enough money. It's called greed....

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I wouldn't mind everybody paying 30% tax, as long as everybody paid it. That means the rich not employing tricksy accountants and having offshore accounts etc. to avoid paying it.


But even if that was the case, they would still find ways not to pay it, they simply can never have enough money. It's called greed....


And that is the problem. You work hard you should get some reward. The whole tax system in my view - not just the PAYE bit - needs a total overhaul because it's full of loopholes that allow those who can as Anna said afford a tricksy accountant to circumvent it. Not every high earner is one of the bad guys by any means but they are in the minority sadly

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I wouldn't mind everybody paying 30% tax, as long as everybody paid it. That means the rich not employing tricksy accountants and having offshore accounts etc. to avoid paying it.


But even if that was the case, they would still find ways not to pay it, they simply can never have enough money. It's called greed....


Looked at objectively, paying a third of your income in tax is a pretty good effort. As you say, if everyone did it, we'd have a better society. Especially if we upped VAT on luxury items.:)

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The tax system is like the benefits system - they tinker with it all the time and just make it more complicated and easy to get round if you know what you're doing. This is why it's in the mess it's in - and exactly the same is the case with the benefits system. They pay you something then realise they shouldn;t have but because they botched the legislation you can;t have it taken away. So then they change it but because they got it wrong previously there's different sets of rules depending on when you claimed cos you might get that but then you can't get the other but Oh no hang on you can get this instead- and some of you don't think civil servants earn their money. They have to deal with this crap every day!


---------- Post added 27-01-2014 at 23:56 ----------


So Ron $64mill question - do you pay your folks a living wage?

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The tax system is like the benefits system - they tinker with it all the time and just make it more complicated and easy to get round if you know what you're doing. This is why it's in the mess it's in - and exactly the same is the case with the benefits system. They pay you something then realise they shouldn;t have but because they botched the legislation you can;t have it taken away. So then they change it but because they got it wrong previously there's different sets of rules depending on when you claimed cos you might get that but then you can't get the other but Oh no hang on you can get this instead- and some of you don't think civil servants earn their money. They have to deal with this crap every day!


---------- Post added 27-01-2014 at 23:56 ----------


So Ron $64mill question - do you pay your folks a living wage?

I've never had any problems with the tax people I just fill my paye in and pay what ever it is I find the tax people most helpful. its the Vat people and the council I have had trouble with,

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I wouldn't mind everybody paying 30% tax, as long as everybody paid it. That means the rich not employing tricksy accountants and having offshore accounts etc. to avoid paying it.


But even if that was the case, they would still find ways not to pay it, they simply can never have enough money. It's called greed....


Can I try and get on your level (mine also... but I recognise mine), you know when they put the price of cigarettes up [to discourage smoking :rolleyes:], then what do people do?


You might not think it a good analogy as I don't think you smoke (or have smoked), but when this occurs and they hike it, people look to stop paying any tax on them at all, by buying off the black market, or quitting paying any of it by stopping.


This theory of 'high tax equals more money' just doesn't work. There is a balance of what people will accept, rich OR poor.




Personally, I thought this was a superb announcement though :)

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I've never had any problems with the tax people I just fill my paye in and pay what ever it is I find the tax people most helpful. its the Vat people and the council I have had trouble with,


My point is Lobos to you and me PAYE is quite straightforward but behind that there lies a whole host of tax loopholes which any canny accountant can get round and it's cos they tinker with it all the time and they do exactly the same with the benefits system (that one I have personal experience of).


So draw a line oh great ones at the Treasury - go away and come back with something that is fairer across the piece with not a loophole in sight. Make these big companies pay their way properly and stop making us plebs pay for your mistakes. HMT employ an army of accountants so surely between them they can come up with a better answer? :)


---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 00:17 ----------


I can't speak for the tax system but am sure it's no much different. But this is how a benefit change becaomes legislation.


Minister has idea. Policy folks go off and research idea and go back with pros/cons. He still wants to do it. OK they go away and cost it up. Goes through House of Commons & Lords. It's happening and the IT, forms etc all gets changed in readiness, they send out info to the punter etc etc. Menawhile behind the scenes it's being drafted to go into law by lawyers but they keep changing their mind what they want right up to the last minute.


It goes out - it's not quite right. ****! we have to amend this but too late cos all them folks are already getting this so we can't take it away. Bugger! How much did that cost? No we gotta change it - so they do. Happens all the time.

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It may not be possible for people to work more. It's not hard to think of scenarios. Have a try.


Where are the jobs going to come from? The claimed jobs growth is a sham:




Half of it is down to people going self-employed!


No, I can't think of a reason why people can't work more. So please help me, why type that? Its obvious you have scenarios in mind.


And what is wrong with being self employed?

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