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How much would this person receive on benefits


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Not if single.


As long as they're over 25 they do. Guaranteed amount each week, the top up amount would be more than her wages. You're screwed if you're under 25 & no kids though.


WTC changes the figure by a lot & she'd still be paid housing benefit if she wasn't getting free accommodation in a palace.


So she'll be better off working, but the taxpayer pays more than if she was unemployed (except for housing benefit, as she's getting free accommodation, but most minimum wage workers don't get that). Taxpayers subsidise cheap employers who wont pay a living wage.

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As long as they're over 25 they do. Guaranteed amount each week, the top up amount would be more than her wages. You're screwed if you're under 25 & no kids though.


WTC changes the figure by a lot & she'd still be paid housing benefit if she wasn't getting free accommodation in a palace.


So she'll be better off working, but the taxpayer pays more than if she was unemployed (except for housing benefit, as she's getting free accommodation, but most minimum wage workers don't get that). Taxpayers subsidise cheap employers who wont pay a living wage.


If over 25, they might be. But it is quite likely by doing 40 hours, they will have had all JSA, hb and tax credit clawed back.


At 31 hours, some £20 per week.


Tax credits aren't very generous for single people.

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If over 25, they might be. But it is quite likely by doing 40 hours, they will have had all JSA, hb and tax credit clawed back.


At 31 hours, some £20 per week.


Tax credits aren't very generous for single people.


This particular cleaner is going to be getting free accommodation as part of their job. If they weren't getting that & they were on working tax credits then they'd get housing benefit & council tax benefit too. JSA would be stopped, but WTC is worth more & you're still entitled to most other benefits too if you can claim wtc.


For employers, it's not worth paying over minimum wage as if the employee is on WTC it'll be topped up to the same amount anyway, unless they were planning to pay more than the WTC amount.


If you're under 25 & don't have kids or a disability then you couldn't really take this job as you'd lose all benefits. They only get £56.80 a week JSA too, but it'd cost them a lot if they were on housing benefit, they'd lose their home if they took a minimum wage job like this with no accommodation.


The housing benefit rate in central London is £126.22 for a single room or £255.50 for a single bedroom property. If they were under 25, no kids, no disability, with a one bedroom flat & under 25 they'd lose money, they'd be effectively paying to work.


A proper negative income tax wouldn't cause these distortions, it'd pay for everybody to work & cost less to administer. There would be no need for a minimum wage or most benefits. We got working tax credits instead of something sensible that would save money & make people better off.


It's above minimum wage, that's just £6.31/hour for over 21s, £5.03 for 18-20 year olds. There are plenty of people in worse jobs than this particular example. Some of them aren't guaranteed any hours & they still lose any entitlement to benefits.

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£13,253 on 30+hrs a week apparently.


Ouch, I thought it was a bit more than that. So this job is worse than minimum wage if you're single, no kids & over 25, if it wasn't for the accommodation perk, as 40 hours at £7 would be just over the limit.


It's a little over £17k if you're in a couple.



Over £25k if you have a child.



The benefits system & working tax credits are a bit of a nightmare, so many rules, forms, different benefits. It's wasteful, open to mistakes, unfairly punishes people who fall through the gaps & provides perverse incentives. Not many people really understand it all either, that's why so much goes unclaimed. It's a job to find out what you're entitled to on low pay, disability or unemployed, then it's another job for somebody else to check all the forms & you have to hope they don't make a mistake or have a rejection quota to fill.

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I know that this thread seems to be just concentrating on what the Queen pays her cleaers but as a matter of interest, how much does that paragon of thrift and economy, the palace of westminster, pay ITS cleaners?


They employ illegal immigrants to do the cleaning.


Police probe into illegal immigrants working as House of Commons cleaners.


Illegal immigrants have been discovered working as cleaners at the House of Commons – an embarrassing security breach at the supposedly tightly guarded building.

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