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Godfrey 'Bongo' Bloom insults disabled student.

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Don't forget that behaviour you refer to as crass will undoubtedly be referred to by his supporters as honest and candid and refreshing and that the disabled person should apologise to Godfrey for having the temerity to be a disabled person.


Or, as ably demonstrated by Seven Rivers, there's the good old "stick-head-in-sand" routine and just claim nothing crass was ever said, and any connection with the student being disabled and Godfrey Bloom's comment's are just being made up by the sandal-wearing, lentil-eating lefties.

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Looks fairly normal to me. I can see a slight resemblance, can't see it's something to be insulted by. But more importantly, what has it to do with a disability the student may or may not have?


I didn't really get the joke and have no idea why people laughed.

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Terrible, someone can't make an humourous remark to a "disabled" without the lefty, tree hugging, PC crowd baying for his blood. It's these PC do-gooders that are ruining this once great country. Our soldiers died to uphold Freedom of Speech and the great unwashed want to spit on their graves.


I'm Richard Littlejohn, goodnight.

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Or, as ably demonstrated by Seven Rivers, there's the good old "stick-head-in-sand" routine and just claim nothing crass was ever said, and any connection with the student being disabled and Godfrey Bloom's comment's are just being made up by the sandal-wearing, lentil-eating lefties.


It's the sandal wearing left highlighting the fact that a person is disabled, is it not? I wouldn't have even guessed he is disabled.

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It's the sandal wearing left highlighting the fact that a person is disabled, is it not? I wouldn't have even guessed he is disabled.


Given that Farage hasn't even read his own manifesto, ignorance does seem to be UKIP's strongest asset.

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It's the sandal wearing left highlighting the fact that a person is disabled, is it not?


It was Bloom who highlighted his disability. Your job on here seems to be to lie on behalf of UKIP. Your attempts just make you look like you're unable to partake in any self-criticism just like all the other parties.

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