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Why is there no 'Britain Day'?

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Americans have July 4th for Independence (though they celebrate thanks for us English on Thanksgiving in November!:hihi:), the Australians had their national day yesterday, and most foreign nationals have their own special day.


Except Britain/the UK as a whole nation - despite our wealth of successes and high moments- have no national day in that sense? Well, we here have St.George's Day, April 23rd, but seriously, does anyone bother. Instead most English pretend to all be Irish on March 17th? And it's not all down to PC "stopping" people.


The Bank of England once observed some 33 saints' days and religious festivals as holidays, but now we have only 8 public holidays off work, compared to over 14 in both Spain and Germany? Cyprus have 38: 20 statutory and 18 public holidays!


Is it because we hate our history, or because we as a working nation (employer-wise) are greedy, depressed graspers?


What special day do we have though that's central to our national identity. The Americans celebrate their war of independence , The French commemorate the storming of the bastille, Australia their independence. We don't really have anything similar.

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What special day do we have though that's central to our national identity. The Americans celebrate their war of independence , The French commemorate the storming of the bastille, Australia their independence. We don't really have anything similar.

Quite my point.

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What special day do we have though that's central to our national identity. The Americans celebrate their war of independence , The French commemorate the storming of the bastille, Australia their independence. We don't really have anything similar.


We did win the World Cup once. A long long time ago.

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Possible my cynical nature showing, but a 'Britain Day' would be hijacked by commercial interests - no matter how tenuous link. Just like St Patrick's Day is all about people drinking Guiness from tents at the top of Fargate, and wearing those silly hats; never mind that they don't have a drop of Irish blood in them.

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Possible my cynical nature showing, but a 'Britain Day' would be hijacked by commercial interests - no matter how tenuous link. Just like St Patrick's Day is all about people drinking Guiness from tents at the top of Fargate, and wearing those silly hats; never mind that they don't have a drop of Irish blood in them.


I don't think that it will be long before we have a St Carling day commercialised version of St George's day.

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I don't think that it will be long before we have a St Carling day commercialised version of St George's day.


I do.


There's a world of difference perceived in drunk people pretending to be Irish, wearing stupid hats, dying their hair ginger and doing poor impressions of an irish accent; to a load of drunks parading around with england flags on their faces, chanting while staggering around with pints of lager in their hands.


I guess it stems down to the stereotypes - Irish drunks are funny, English drunks are violent - and people play up to them.

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