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Royal Overspending - Solutions?

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But the monarchy is not linked to a political party and should therefore be classed as neutral.

With respect, that is a hugely naive assumption. Just declaring that something or someone is neutral does not make it so. You can call a dead fish a skunk, but it is still a dead fish. In reality the monarchy is the embodiment and the product of mediaeval feudalism, then of Conservative politics going back to the 1600s. Everything the monarchy stands for has ''conservatism' stamped all over it.

Never forget that many people from the Republic of Ireland take an oath of allegiance to the Queen every year when joining the British armed forces.

They are willing to risk their lives in her service



I am not sure what that has to do with the price of fish (dead or otherwise).

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With respect, that is a hugely naive assumption. Just declaring that something or someone is neutral does not make it so. You can call a dead fish a skunk, but it is still a dead fish. In reality the monarchy is the embodiment and the product of mediaeval feudalism, then of Conservative politics going back to the 1600s. Everything the monarchy stands for has ''conservatism' stamped all over it.




Would you be happy to have a monarchy descended from the "working class"

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But the monarchy is not linked to a political party and should therefore be classed as neutral.

Never forget that many people from the Republic of Ireland take an oath of allegiance to the Queen every year when joining the British armed forces.

They are willing to risk their lives in her service.


They do not join because of the Queen, they join because they want to fight. The Irish have served for many years in the British army and hold the second highest number of VCs ( out of 23 nationalities who have won it) after the English who outnumber them in population by quite a few.


My father was English, he was normally a kind and gentle man until such time as royalty was mentioned, at which time my mum and I would roll our eyes and duck for cover.


I merely have an objection to them as a matter of principle, my father hated them.


That did not stop him volunteering for duty and serving throughout the second War.


When someone once asked him why he volunteered as he hated royalty he gave them a look which could have cut steel and replied ' I fought for my Family, my Friends and my Country, and those parasites didn't come into it.'

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Are you really telling me that people get excited about seeing someone who possess no discernable talent and who's entire claim to fame is that they exist?.

Judging by the amount of worldwide media attention they get (which wouldn't be the case if publicity about them wasn't considered newsworthy) it would appear so.
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This thread is supposedly about the cost of the Royal Family.. £32 million... I've just had a look at the cost of running the US presidency..it appears to be in the region of 1.4 BILLION dollars..




Obamas trip to Africa last year cost $100 million...what would a UK president cost..would it be cheaper than the Royals?

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You may be right, but at least the option is there. We will also never ever see a black King/Queen. That in itself puts the position in a bad light.


Not really, black people have only lived in the UK in substantial numbers since 1948. Do you think Zulus in South Africa wring their hands about no white person ever being their king or equivalent?

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You know some people do..you only have to watch any news item concerning the opening of a new factory/theatre/school/hospital etc and if any of the Royals are involved there'll be the obligatory flag waving and cheering.Some people camp out overnight just to see them go to Church at Sandringham at Christmas..


Yes I have seen them and regard them as pretty pathetic. To turn up to see a show or even a person who you admire because of their talent is understandable.

Whilst I wouldn't do it myself I can see why some would, but to turn up to see an old couple who are not even going to do a song or tap dance, pathetic. :confused:

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The monarchy is part of Britain and its identity which the country can afford.

How would we be better off without it except for the ideological gains of the minority.

Oaths are sworn to the Queen to avoid any political bias.

The Royal family is a central point which people can show allegiance to whatever their political allegiance in times of peace and war.


An excellent summary which ends the debate. Unless the antis believe they can get 51% of the population behind them? Unlikely.

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Yes I have seen them and regard them as pretty pathetic. To turn up to see a show or even a person who you admire because of their talent is understandable.

Whilst I wouldn't do it myself I can see why some would, but to turn up to see an old couple who are not even going to do a song or tap dance, pathetic. :confused:


I wasn't saying I agree with it..I was just answering your question... :)

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