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Royal Overspending - Solutions?

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How about sponsored MPs..are they acceptable? Who's making the decisions there?


A problem, no doubt, I am not happy with Union sponsored MPs nor with Corporate sponsored MPs and believe ideally the party's should be state sponsored, with instant dismissal and a prison sentence for any MP found not declaring an interest.

No one should be given more concern than an MPs own constituents and the country itself.


It's not a perfect system and needs improving, although I don't believe we will ever come up with perfection. The human failings of people in general will always prevent that happening.


As Churchill said 'Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.'


An improvement could be achieved by introducing Proportional Representation. PR is the fairest form of voting and the only one that truly reflects the wishes of the electorate.


Oh and we should get rid of the Monarchy. :D


---------- Post added 31-01-2014 at 15:51 ----------


I think the monarch can certainly be guilty of treason against his/her country.


Shakespeare (through John of Gaunt) had quite a lot to say about it in Richard II, for example.


Not sure about that, unless of course everyone swears loyalty to the crown and the monarch swears loyalty to the country?


Then who decides whether or not whatever was done was treason?


The interest of the Monarch and the best interest of the country do not always coincide, and therefore treason in a moral sense, even if not in a legal sense, could happen.


---------- Post added 31-01-2014 at 16:24 ----------


It would appear that we are the same age.

I remember the Coronation celebrations.

There was a big field behind the prefabs where we lived and on the evening there was a big bonfire.

In the afternoon all the children and some of the parents had dressed in different outfits(I was a cowboy)and we all had a meal in the local church hall.

I still have photos of us all dressed up and still meet some of the people on them. It is hard to believe that it was more than half a century ago.


Every summer my mum and I went to stay with her family in Clare for anything up to two months.

At some point dad would arrive for a couple of weeks.


Although I was born in Sheffield we had moved and were living in Barrow up to that summer.

We returned to Sheffield upon returning from Ireland that year.


We were in Ireland during the actual event so saw nothing of it.


My memory of it was that the father of one of my mates was a joiner and he had made quite a few shields out of ply and had decorated them brilliantly with heraldic designs. They were to be fixed along the street for the planned party.

He kept them in a shed, my mate and I plus a group of other lads took them and had a fantastic sword fight with wooden swords, also made for decoration at the party.


When we'd finished the shields required repainting and some needed repairing. You can probably guess what happened when our parents found out.


A vivid but not particularly pleasant memory of childhood. :o


On top of that, because I wasn't in the country I didn't get the present which all school kids received, pencil set or something?


Thinking about it, that may well be where my republican tendencies started. :)

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It was Anthony Blunt, the keeper of the Queen's pictures who was the gay communist. He was one of the Cambridge spy ring. Black Rod has no scandal...as far as I know.


Must be a different bloke, the Black Rod I knew was a drug dealer, had a couple of girls on the corner. Nice enough lad, I never met Anthony, didn't realize they were friends, also never knew he was so interested in pictures.


I am surprised he was a spy, I mean what did he know other than what he read in the Sporting Life?


As to the Communist thing, I will take your word for it, but gay? Well I am surprised.

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